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phone calls

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I cant get any incoming calls



Mayor / Maire

HI @churz 

can you give us more details? are you new activation just last couple days? or you are long term customers and inbound calls just stopped working?



did you just join PM and requested porting your number into PM ? 

If you are porting your number, did you reply a text to your old provider and reply YES within 90 mins?  If you miss that, the porting was not completed and hence you are not receiving incoming calls.  There is a number you can call to talk to live support and re-trigger the process.  I will message you the number, please check your Community inbox, envelope icon on top right

if you are not new to PM, incoming calls and text were working fine before and just not working now, try to :

  • reboot your phone once.  
  • reseat your sim card (Power down the phone, take sim card out for a minute, then put it back and power up)
  • change your Preferred Network Type or Network Mode on your phone to 3G Only (or WCDMA)
  • Try to click Reset all networks and see if it helps (please note it will also delete your saved Wifi connections, but you can easily add them back later)
  • if you have another phone, put your sim card in that other phone and test
  • use your phone in another area, it could be a local network issue
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