3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
@aelhage to make a payment online log into your account and click on the link below to pay with your credit card. If autopay was cancelled for whatever reasons, you would need to make a manual payment and click resume services.
3 weeks ago
You need to login to your account and enable the Subscribe button to continue with AutoPay for the following months.
If your service have stopped. You need to make a manual payment by dialing 611 or 1-855-4PUBLIC to continue for this month. You can pay with a CC, debit or vouchers.
Vouchers can be purchased from:
7-11, Canadian Tire gas stations, London Drugs, Canadian Superstore, Shell, Shoppers Drugmart, Safeway, Staples
3 weeks ago
if your regular plan renewal failed, log in to your account to see if there's $$ in Available Funds...if so then Resume. If not, get to 7/11 and get payment vouchers and dial 611 to add them to your account. Then deal with credit card update.