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no data plan paid for over 21 days

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Cannot connect to my Public mobile data plan. I get this message:

"Public Mobile has no known provisioning website"

August 20, 2023  19:52h


@sadnorm- A sad norm around here is customers that don't answer all questions posed or try all things suggested so that we can help and direct where to go next. That has always been my style, try to find the source of the problem and long before I would suggest contacting support.

There are some differences that different phones use for APN settings. But there are also some standards.

APN Settings:
Name: whatever you want
MMS proxy: - alternative: - this may now be required with changes in the system
MMS port: 80 - alternative with above: 8799 - as above
APN type: default,mms,dun
APN enable/disable: APN enabled - probably on anyway and greyed out
MVNO type: GID
MVNO value: 4D4F - alternative: 4D

Save, then select to use, then go in and out of airplane mode to set.

But that's the APN you have now asked about. Maybe that will fix the error you got.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Softech (Oracle)

I do not use you my voice to initiate any calls.

My account is active with tons of data left to use. It works with my old phone now in two pieces awaiting a new battery delivery (3 month) as the heat made the back cover unglued making it awkward to handle and its charge lasting only under 10 minutes.

How and where do you access "reset all networks" or "Reset Network Settings"



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

can call in or out and my SMS text is ok. The only account I have problen signing into is Public Mobile community. I had to make another account for it. What bummer. 

I would love to have a simple APN sample filled form for my situation ( android 3g) like in a few months ago. A full complete form with all the  complete answers  nothing missing or ambiguous. Which is  often the norm here with people who can't communicate properly and only compound the problem by focusing  strictly on being rewarded ($)  rather than using critical problem solving skills.


@sadnorm voice calls working?

Login My Account using Incognito mode to confirm you still have data left 

try to click Reset All Networks or Reset Network Settings and see if it helps 

Mayor / Maire

My eyebrows have risen. ??? Never heard of that before here.

Can you otherwise call in and out and real sms text in and out? Are you able to login to your account?

Mayor / Maire

@sadnorm  Please submit ticket with support to re provision the sim for you on there end 

private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV


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