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misunderstanding promotion offer

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


the questions I have: (thanks in advance)

-the promo says that it is 40$ per month. Should I expect the price in the future expire or change, or just switch over to a non promo price? I do not see an expiry date on the promo ... does that mean it is essentially indefinite? (for reference it is the promo offer: 40$ for 5g 50 gb)

-the promotion says that i can save 6 dollars a month. Does the displayed price (40$) reflect that savings, or are the savings additional?

-the promotion appears to me to say conflicting things. on one hand, it says 50gb. on the other hand it says unlimited gbs, but with throttled speeds. Any help parsing out the two seemingly conflicting statements?

currently I pay 40 for 4g and 15 gb data. this promo looks like it ups everything and will not cost me any more... am I right?


Mayor / Maire

@summonerson wrote:


the questions I have: (thanks in advance)

-the promo says that it is 40$ per month. Should I expect the price in the future expire or change, or just switch over to a non promo price? I do not see an expiry date on the promo ... does that mean it is essentially indefinite? (for reference it is the promo offer: 40$ for 5g 50 gb)

Answer: It's $40 per month but if you purchase the 90 package like I did, it's only $34 a month but all in one charge of $102 every 90 days. I wouldn't worry too much about the price going up. I've been here 5 years and I've never seen that happen. Even if it does, there are deals all the time and you can pick and choose a new plan any time you want. 🙂

-the promotion says that i can save 6 dollars a month. Does the displayed price (40$) reflect that savings, or are the savings additional?

Answer: As stated above, 90 days i s$34 x 3 = $102 in one lump sum vs $120 over 90 days.

-the promotion appears to me to say conflicting things. on one hand, it says 50gb. on the other hand it says unlimited gbs, but with throttled speeds. Any help parsing out the two seemingly conflicting statements?

Answer: So the way it works is this. You get 50GB of 5G speeds. Then once you use that 50GB, data after that is throttled down to 512kbps. Here's the best part. If you do the $34 x 3 90 day plan, you get a data buck of 150GB up front. Once you use that, you drop down to the 512kbps speeds.

currently I pay 40 for 4g and 15 gb data. this promo looks like it ups everything and will not cost me any more... am I right?

Answer: Do the switch my friend. It's well worth doing the $102 every 90 days. I just did it and I'm VERY happy I did. Granted it would have been nice if it was a Can/US plan but... I'm sure that's coming eventually. 🙂

Hope this helps.


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

You're welcome! Hope you have a great evening!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you so much community for clear and prompt support

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@summonerson - Public Mobile doesn't do (Or Rarely does) price changes, but they did try once in 2018 but customers were mad.

90 Days subscriptions save on the $40/30days plan. It counts to be $102/90days (divide it by 3 and you get $34/30days)  & it is included in the price. On 90day plans you get data upfront (50 X 3 = 150GB.)

Unlimited Data is where you have a speed cap of 50GB on the $40 ($34/90days) of 512kbps. You can use your phone normally, but is slower because your bucket is exhausted till your next renewal date unless you buy a data add on. I had the speed cap when I reached my 20GB limit earlier this year and you can watch videos, but it can take a lot of buffering.

Mayor / Maire

hi @summonerson price won't change, it is not a limited time pricing.  But like any carrier, they can always up the price but OM rarely does that

The $6 off is for 90 days pricing, you pay $34x3 up front for 90 days every renewal 

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