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incorrect usage totals?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I see an inconsistency in the total amount of data used that Public Mobile tells me in my "Subscription Usage" and what the totals add up to in the "Usage History" breakdown.  My plan started on Jan 27.  The Subscription Usage image (the arc that colours in as MBs are used) shows a total of 121.40 MB whereas the Usage History only totals up to 28.06 MB.  This appears to be current through Jan 30.  I have not been on the Public Mobile network this morning (Jan. 31).  And if there is some sort of lag in data updating from the previous day, I highly doubt, based on my usage pattern and the fact I know I haven't been away from a home or work network since then, that I've used 93.34 MB (well over 1/4 of my plan total).  



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

The system will basically always show 100MB more than is actually used, but is based on the real value, so that extra isn't billable. Why Public decided to show things like this is anyones guess.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@BenVW  If you feel the totals are grossly incorrect you can chat with a CS_agent using the link here.  I do know that your data will stop working once you hit your max, so perhaps the agent can do some digging into it further. I am just a customer like yourself, so hopefully you can get a more detailed explanation and resolution from the agent.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for the reply.  I don't use the app, I use the website instead.  I have hit the "Refresh" button on the site and the same number results for total data used.  Like I said, I haven't used any data today yet, so if that's the case that PM updates at midnight, I would expect the midnight update to reflect the number they feel is the data I've used.  I don't think that a 93 MB difference on a 250MB account is a minor inconsistency!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@BenVW  - if you use the app, you can pull down on the screen to refresh the totals. PM updates totals 2 times per day at noon and midnight approx, to refresh from their end, so don't worry about minor inconsistencies  

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