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iMessage not working

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

All of a sudden I’m not able to send iMessages. For some of my iPhone contacts, it won’t send the message at all, it says iMessage must be enabled to send this message. iMessage is already enabled. For some other iPhone contacts it will send the message but it goes through as green. 
I have already gone into settings and toggled off/on the iMessage switch. And I’ve turned my phone off twice. Any other suggestions??  Thanks! 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yes!  Phil answered my post and it worked!   
When I went to settings/messages/send and receive/, where it says “you can receive iMessages to and reply from….” My phone number wasn’t ticked off, just my gmail address. Once I ticked off my phone number also and came out it worked!!!  I don’t know how it got “unticked” but all good now  Hope it works for you!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Were you able to find the solution. I am having same issue and public mobile support has not been helpful, not to say its just  fragmented and there is no phone no or a person you can speak with directly. 

@Kellymac   Glad it was an easy fix!   It happened to me a while back after an ios update.   

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Phil thank you so much!!!!  When I went to settings/messages/send and receive/, where it says “you can receive iMessages to and reply from….” My phone number wasn’t ticked off, just my gmail address. Once I ticked off my phone number also and came out it worked!!!  I don’t know how it got “unticked” but all good now lol. Thank you!

Mayor / Maire

@Kellymac  In Settings - Messages - Send and Receive, is everything that should be check marked there checked?   Maybe try signing out of Apple and then signing in again.   Just checking the obvious, you do have wifi or cellular data enabled?

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