12-01-2024 01:40 PM
Hi, after going through the set up to port my number over to Public Mobile I have an issue getting imessage to work? Data works and calls etc.
It might be because in cellular settings under sims it created the public mobile sim as "secondary"? Is there a way to fix it to be primary?
Does anyone have a tip or a guide to follow to troubleshoot why it wont send or receive imessages?
12-01-2024 03:02 PM
If still having issues, might want to try network reset of phone (note: this will erase any saved Wifi passwords).
You can also logout of iMessage and log back in. It should show your PM phone number and choose that number.
12-01-2024 01:48 PM
hi @its_corvan secondary is the issue
if you still have the old carrier sim and is physical, remove it. If that is eSIM, doable it or disable Turn on this line
then reboot phone and you should see PM eSIM showing Primary, if not, change to Primary