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boxing week plans

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Are the boxing week monthly plans permanent forever? For example 4g speed for 29$ per month with 30 gbs of data will last for how long? is it forever?


Mayor / Maire

Hey @619316 

The $29 30GB plan is pretty decent. Just know though, once you use your 30GB of data, you get no more unless you pay for it. If I may suggest, you may want to consider the $34 plan as it's 50GB at 5G speeds and unlimited data at reduced speeds after 50GB. Just saying $5 more you get 20GB more data at full speeds then unlimited afterwards compared to stopped at 30GB. Something to consider IMO. Much better value for your dollar.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

thanks a lot

Mayor / Maire

Likely yes.

Once you’re in it, it’ll remain @619316 

However once they’re no longer being offered, you’ll no longer be able to get em.

 ADDING:  Every 30 days, the plan will renew if you’re on auto pay and the 30GB data allotment will reset. Any remaining doesn’t roll over.

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