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about the freedom promo

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
I just port my number last month from freedom, there is no promotion going at that time, so i only get 2g data, is there any chance to upgrade to 4g date?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

PM might have some new promos coming out, you never know whats up their sleeves...

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I got the same problem and I feel it s unfair for us who just port from Freedom mobile to support public mobile just a few day shy before the promotion start. As the promotion say want to provide fair price to freedom mobile user and it treat the current user who support them unfair.

Mayor / Maire

As everyone mentionned above, You might try to get it but it will be a hassle and relatively long process assuming you will not face any glitches, there is also the fact that you might loose your plan, bonuses on your current PM account.

@asvip You may ask for consideration, BUT no garantees. Send  a private message to the moderator team with your phone number and an explanation.

You could try colin1215's suggestion, but its value would be highly dependent on where you are in your 90 day cycle and your average data usage. 

No straightforward answer. Robot Frustrated

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
It's kind of late now but I was with PM for 3 months before this promo came up. I actually just switched to Freedom and ordered a new PM sim, waited for that to come then I switched back to PM just to take the promo. Kind of a hassle but worth it in the end.


@asvip, you are going to have to leave and sign up again.  It is a pain.  The promo is targeted with very restrictive terms.  Existing customers have every right to feel left out.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Any Freedom customer who ports in their number and signs up on Public Mobile’s current 90-day Unlimited Provincial-Wide1 Talk, Unlimited Global Text and 6GB for $120 during the promotional period is eligible. All eligible customers who sign up during the promotional period will receive an additional 6GB of data on their 90-day plan within 72 hours. Please check your online account/self-serve to verify you have received your bonus 6GB.

Please note any customers who transferred to Public Mobile from Freedom prior to the promotion start date will not be eligible.


All services subject to Public Mobile’s Term of Service.


Got this from the FAQ for the promotion! Sorry 😞

Mayor / Maire

@asvip wrote:
I just port my number last month from freedom, there is no promotion going at that time, so i only get 2g data, is there any chance to upgrade to 4g date?

Unfortunatly, this promo is only for current freedom clients only, your best thing is to just wait for the next promo

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