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ZTE wont connect to wifi

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

ZTE N762 won't connect to wifi.


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I wonder what the chances are that the OP will check this thread and respond again. I've been seeing a lot of these "post and disappear" threads LOL.

Sounds good, @Martin. It does seem to me like the phone could use a probe or two.


Hi 778,

Bob and Sue, the operators of the Mother Ship and designers/developers of @Jeremy_M, our community manager-bot, are naturally curious. I'm going to personally give them my N762 when I next meet with them at @Luddite's.


@Martin That phone sounds like it has some mental health issues. Have you tried psychotherapy? Or atleast taking it to a phone-whisperer?

Hi 778,

I still have my N762, and tinker with it from time to time. After not using it for about 6 months, the battery was completely drained. I attempted to recharge it, but was met with an alphanumeric message. When I googled it, I was surprised to learn that the phone was bricked. I was going to trash it, but, for some unknown reason, didn't. About 5 days later, I tried again. Oddly enough, the error message didn't reappear. Instead, I was able to fully charge it. It surely is an "interesting" phone.


@Martin Your opinion finds parity in those of several others found on that website that I had linked to in my previous post. Too bad, about that phone.

Hi 778,

You want a personal review of the phone? I'll give you a review, as I had the misfortune of buying it.

You can think of cold molasses dripping, or a fatigued snail crawling. Each is faster than the phone's processor, which means that it's almost entirely useless. (No offence intended to those who have an N762, and love it.)


@Martin Thanks for the clarification. Absolutely, you're right in your statement about me enjoying the consumption of random bits of trivia. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.


Speaking of trivia though, I Googled the model of this phone, which revealed that it was sold by PM previously. I was entertained by the text of the very first review on this page:

Hi 778,

The information that I provided doesn't relate to the phone's problem with Wi-Fi.

I supplied it because I enjoy information for its own sake; I thought that you did, too.


Thanks for the additional information, @Martin. But I don't see how it being a CDMA phone relates to @msevon's problems with connecting it to WiFi.

Hi 778,

The phone was sold by Public Mobile and vendors, before the carrier was purchased by Telus. It's only CDMA-compatible.


Mayor / Maire

@msevon As much as we'd like to help you sort this issue out, you've provided very little detail as to what is happening on your phone, and since the phone is not in front of any of us, it's nearly impossible to troubleshoot the problem. I have 2 suggestions for you:


(1) Either describe the problem in as much detail as you can, providing screenshots, steps to reproduce the problem, the background on what precipitated the start of the problem, etc. OR

(2) Take the phone to a nearby smartphone repair shop, where they can help you troubleshoot the issue.


All the best!

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