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Why does public mobile suck????

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Your whole system sucks. The fact that you CAN NOT talk to a human on the phone to get some help but you can send and receive texts from a human is the most stupid thing that l have come across. I ask about this policy and was told that public mobile is proud that they are the only company that does this. If l had known that this was the company policy l would have signed up with another company. I am told that l have to pay $20 on my account.....So l try to pay $20...then it says its now $22.50..(because of the taxes)....So l change it to $22.50......then it says that now l have to pay $ l change it to $24.50...then it says l have to pay $26.50....ect,ect,ect. So Public mobile how do you solve this problem????. Sure would be nice to talk with a real human customer service agent....


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Just had very similar experience. 1. Phone number transfer - Incoming calls SMS did not work 2. Finally was able to find how to create a ticket.... 3. After 2 days(!)  - service is working for about 10h.  Decided - no, this terrible company will not be my provider. 4 Guess what - for 10 h Im paying 44$, no refund... Whoever reads this - things x2 before choosing, no money saying worth it, more over you can and should negotiate deals with your existing provider. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi Webb here:
You are on Public Mobile for your cell phone and that is like using a low-cost airline. You just don't get anything for nothing. Soon low-cost airlines will probably ask customers to bring their own wings. At Public Mobile there is no customer service. Their virtual assistant is crap, and the community consists of a collection of users who only answers to problems is similar to throwing spaghetti at a wall just to see what sticks. If you want real human contact that cares about your problem, you won't find it at Public Mobile. Best of luck to you.

BTW: How do you get your Publicms's past the censor when I get bleeped for a sinful 3 letter word. You know the one with "s" in the front, "x" at the end, and an "e" plopped in the middle? Double standard, or what?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

And when trying to submit a ticket nothing can verify even if all info is correct...yes, it is a horrible process to endure and very frustrating...nothing to be proud of.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Publicmsuckass Hi how’s your day going ? if you need customer service contact a cs agent, to open a ticket, to speak to a customer service agent    Click here or if you are having issues with Simon you can send private message to a CS Agent here:

Mayor / Maire

HI @Publicmsuckass 


don't blame others.  


did you understand before you join?


PM never hide the fact that All supports are online



Hey.  when you pay, you just pay $20, they will add the tax for you.  You don't have to type the tax there.  

So, you type $20, they charge you $22.50.  In the end, you see $20 in your My Account as Available Fund and you can use that $20 to buy anything that worth $20 in PM System. 


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