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Whew! I am back after 90 days of plan inactivity

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Recently, I stopped by at the Costco mobile booth to ask what their cheapest plan would be knowing that if anyone can match PM, it would be them. Sure, they have an identical plan - 250 MB, 300 minutes, unlimited text, but if you look under the hood it's just that - I wasn't fooled by that because PM gives us a lot of additional perks and add-ons, etc. that this Costco plan can't even begin to approach. Good try, Costco!


Hi @JimRockford_PI 

the cycle start and end date on My Account is confusing, and kind of wrong

for text, all the message app will bring your long text into multiple ones if you exceed the character limit.  Texts are free, so no need to think about charges


A text is defined as 160 characters. If you write a novel then you might be counted as multiples of 160 characters.

For low usage customers, those pay as you go plans could be useful. I'm a low usage customer and sometimes I wonder about going that direction. But I'm a loyal western Telus customer (as much as I can't stand all the stupid software they use) who is happy with the service.

Adding - @JimRockford_PI 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Okay, I heard back from Support. My service does start from the 21st, not the 20th. He said what I saw online was wrong. 🙂 Either way, I am happy here.

On another note, I used my wife's Speakout phone to send 2 text messages this morning and it said I sent 3. This has happened before and I get charged for each text! What's with that? People ought to watch their bills carefully. The rub is that unlike Public Mobile, I cannot see a record of my texts or calls! Very convenient, isn't it? Great way to pull the wool over people's eyes. I am switching her to this as soon as the time there expires.

mmmm... you still get the 30 days of service you paid for. Unless I misunderstand.
Way back before all these stupid software versions over a year or so ago the date was shown as one date and it said to pay before that date. It meant pay by 11:59pm eastern of the day before. All good. Then it became the misleading end date. Now it's the misleading start date.

611 is still the same 2am eastern of the new 30 days.

@JimRockford_PI  Good point !

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I see dust2dust has explained it. These are little games they play - add up all the days for all the members and then you will see it can be a sizeable benefit to their bottom line. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

That is an illogical policy, and they are able to change it as they please. But, anyway, it occurred to me after someone pointed out to me - it is only 50 c!! 😉 I see I was getting tied up in knots for nothing. But that is what you get with Murphy's law. I recharged 90 minutes before the cutoff. LOL. Thanks for the info.

@JimRockford_PI- This is a recent change. It used to be that the end date was +1. Now it's the start date is -1.  Think of it as the plan being from 11:59pm eastern of the first date to 11:59pm eastern of the second date.

@JimRockford_PI  I see thats odd maybe ask support why that is 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

My invoice says I recharged on the 21st but my subscription starts on the 20th! 

But I see the following. Ludicrous!




@JimRockford_PI  Pic was  to show you the change on renewal option . 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I was using the $15 plan before the 90 days and I am sticking with that. No change.

@JimRockford_PI  Remember it’s not monthly it’s every 30 days or 90 days for some plans 

Add @JimRockford_PI 

Change plan in 3 easy clicks



Once you find plan you want be sure to (change on renewal )So you don’t lose money on current cycle

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I did not know I could pay for the next renewal. Where is that feature? I simply made a payment now. But, even so, it should not be going back a day on the date!! 

@JimRockford_PI  Did you change plan immediately and not for in next renewal 

add disregard the above . You reactivated the moment you do it starts another 30 days cycle 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks all for the helpful replies. I just now reactivated short of my 90th day which is 23rd of this month. However, though my invoice says the 21st, these guys started my subscription yesterday!!!! WTH. I am not paying for a day I did not use it. This goes against all logic. If anything, it should start tomorrow. The invoice says the 21st but they started my subscription on the 20th! What gives. I am very dissatisfied with Public Mobile at this moment. And, it expires on the 21st of September. Nothing like pulling the wool over customers' eyes! 

@Handy1 wrote:

@JimRockford_PI  first try calling *611 can your number located ? If it’s been over 120 days since last payment the account will be closed for good . An account that’s been suspended more than 90 days is closed for good also . In this case you would need to create a new account with a new sim and email 

The amount of time that an account can go without making a payment/adding funds is actually indefinite (see explanation for possible scenarios).  While it's true that an account being suspended for 90 days results in account closure, there is no requirement to make a payment every 120 days if the account has enough funds it it to keep renewing the plan.  A customer could have also made payments in differering amounts in the past meaning that the previous payment may not have been immediately before the most recent successful renewal.

In addition for cases of a suspended account, 90-day plans  factor in.  Even if the last payment was immediately before the most recent successful renewal, the last payment could have been made much more than 120 days ago.

In summary, the only date that matters is the account being closed if being suspended for 90 days. There is no such 120 day deadline. 



if you're old account is deactivated and you want to start over, the esim is free with all current plans. Just make sure your cell is esim compliant.

@JimRockford_PI  first try calling *611 can your number located ? If it’s been over 120 days since last payment the account will be closed for good . An account that’s been suspended more than 90 days is closed for good also . In this case you would need to create a new account with a new sim and email 

HI @JimRockford_PI 

is it within 90 days of inactive?

usually after you pay, you see the status changes to active, reboot the phone and you are good to go


Never if you put a pause on your payment longer than 90 days. Your account will be closed, SIM useless and you lost your number.

If less than 90 days, reboot your phone by powering off then back on and it should work right away.

Dial 611 or call 1-855-4PUBLIC to check on status of your account.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I have been inactive for 3 months and am about to reactivate it. How long does it take, once I initiate and make payment, for the number to become active? Minutes, hours, days?

Mayor / Maire

@JimRockford_PI wrote:

Recently, I stopped by at the Costco mobile booth to ask what their cheapest plan would be knowing that if anyone can match PM, it would be them. Sure, they have an identical plan - 250 MB, 300 minutes, unlimited text, but if you look under the hood it's just that - I wasn't fooled by that because PM gives us a lot of additional perks and add-ons, etc. that this Costco plan can't even begin to approach. Good try, Costco!

For somebody who does not care nor understand what 'data' is all those PM perks have no value.

300 minutes are 3x more than PM offers and for some folks it exactly what they need. And if they know what 'data' is they can use free wifi at any coffee shop where they spend their good part of the day.

Everything is relative and every product/service eventually finds its customer.

I would not trade PM Community and PM agents' support for Costco's support (if they have it and who knows where they reside) for any additional minutes/data for the same (or lower) price.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks. I am definitely ready for it, but I still see issues, but not with the core service but with the way things are set up around it. Like getting locked out after one try with the RIGHT password, inability to contact support from outside the account, etc. But, I will not bemoan those facts as I see there is some improvement due to the migration to the Eversafe platform.

Mayor / Maire

HI @JimRockford_PI 

Welcome back.  

and this time you are all ready for the support model they have? You weren't too happy when you left

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