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When Public Mobile sends an email

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

When Public Mobile sends an email to my registered email address, how do they address me? The reason I ask, is that I have been getting quite a few emails lateley that appear to be coming from P.M. that start out with "Hi there" and then it continues 

A suspicious log-in was attempted with the Public Mobile account connected to this email address. This account is now locked for 1 hour.

If it was you attempting to log in, you can try again after an hour has passed.

Then it continues with "If it wasn't you, then we strongly suggest that you change your password immediately" with the "change your password " marked as a link. That in itself seems suspicious. I do not follow the link but will log into my account and change the password. Are these spoofed emails trying to get my password or is P.M. really sending them?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

yes I can log in myself and have chnaged passwords

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

These emails would show up at 2 or 3 in the morning. I would get them when I turned on my computer. I am going to assume that they were in fact a scam attempting to get me to click the link. I still change my password though.


and can you login My Account yourself now?

if you have been using the phone to receive 2FA code for login , you should have got some 2FA text before someone can lock your account.  so, it could be scam.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No, it was just a regular email sent to my outlook email address with the subject line reading "Public Mobile Account Locked". I do not click the link within the email and never do (well almost never) because I don't trust all the scammers out there. I do go and check on accounts when I get this kind of thing happenning to ensure that all is well.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1 OK got you now. No, it was not me trying to log in and yes I have gone into my account (not through the link) and changed the password


2FA is two form authentication.  If you login to My Account now, PM would send a 2FA to your phone, some got it via email

So, what kind of email you got from PM? what is the subject?

@HuronBob1 2FA two factor authentication 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@softech Don't know what a 2FA is but it was an email sent directly to the email that I signed up here with.

@HuronBob1  I’ve had email from them before . And was locked out . But I knew it was me trying to log in . So my point is simply that if it was you I wouldn’t be to worried . If it wasn’t and you’re getting these emails then I think it’s obviously some funny business going on and would error on the side of caution and change the password . Best of luck 

Mayor / Maire

If I do receive email from PM it usually starts Hello or Hi <username>. Cannot remember any as 'Hi there'... Maybe some promo could start like that...

Most SMS starts with 'Public Mobile here...'.

Most important is NOT to click on any link NOR to reply YES quickly. Pay attention what you accept or confirm not only with PM but with ANY company/person.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1  The point is, that I have gotten at least 3 of these emails this week and I am trying to figure out if they are actually coming from P.M. or not. I don't wish to be changing my password every day if it is not even coming from P.M. If they are not coming from P.M. then I can just trash the emails



They address me with "Hi There, "  too

Question is , what kind of email was that? 2FA? did you try to login ?


Mayor / Maire

@HuronBob1 Was it you . ? Were you having issues logging in ? If so don’t worry about it . I too have been locked out for an hour at a time for to many failed attempts . But if it wasn’t you . Then definitely just log into account and change password as you mentioned . And don’t click any links from email 

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