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What is anniversary date

Mayor / Maire

So I thought I knew this, but after reading several different posts around anniversary,  I'm not so sure I understand anymore.

What is considered my anniversary date for my annual 10 points?

Is it the date that I joined Public Mobile (September)

So will I see the 10 points this September 2024 or wait until  September 2025?

Or is it the date my account was switched to public points (May) so I have to wait untill May 2025?


Ok, thanks.  That's what I thought will wait to see what happens.

Mayor / Maire

HI @TheSterlinger 

Yes, it is the September date

if you use PM app, go to Account page on the app, the anniversary date is showing on top

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

The anniversary date is the date you joined PM, you will get 10 point in September 2024, and 10 point every following year in September.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

The date you joined public mobile. That being said u should receive your anniversary points Sept 2024.

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