08-20-2024 12:47 AM
For discussion about network issues in Western Canada that started on August 19, 2024, please continue the conversation in this thread.
08-19-2024 09:07 PM
I have been unable to make calls or receive call all day. My plan is paid in full and subscribed to. What is going on ? When will this issue be resolved as other ppl are having the same issue.
09:07 PM
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09:26 PM
I dial mout and all sounds good til just about the time it is going to ring and my call ends. My subscription is fine. text works
08-19-2024 09:00 PM
theres something wrong with telus you can do everything except making phone calls out can you receive calls??
08-19-2024 08:55 PM
I can text and receive calls, but I can't make a call. I've reset my phone and turned airplane mode on/off.
08-19-2024 08:46 PM
this is not the "sometime" today, it is a Telus problem in the West
08-19-2024 08:45 PM
if it happens "sometime ", either the phone has problem or just your location has bad signal for Telus signal tower.
08-19-2024 08:35 PM
not everyone in affected provinces have the problem.
some said the issue is resolved and they can make and receive now. Telus also removed the outage note. Try reboot the phone, try your sim in another phone if possible. If still cannot make calls or receive, ask PM to check.
open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen
or message them using this link:
08-19-2024 08:32 PM
I am having the same isuue. My friends who have same plan has no issues. But I can not make calls yet. This is since 8am today
08-19-2024 08:14 PM
some got a text from PM about the voice trouble, did you get one?
from what I now, PM does not actively monitor the forum, but if you message them, they will reply. Did you check the Community inbox? If no reply still , message them again
08-19-2024 08:11 PM
With all the comments about issues not being able to make or get cell calls (text and internet access is working), is someone from Public Mobile monitoring these comments and why are they not informing us what is going on? I submitted a request a few hours ago about this issue and have yet to hear from someone.
08-19-2024 08:03 PM
What phones do you have?
try you swap the sim cards between the 2 phones. It will somehow refresh your account and hopefully will solve your problem. If that does not help, then you will need to have PM to check both your accounts
open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen
or message them using this link:
08:01 PM
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09:43 PM
My husband and I have Public Mobile but for sometime now have issues with incoming and outgoing calls.
Cannot hear. Wondering what the problem is. Its frustrating. How to get this problem solved.
There is no live person to talk to. Please advise what to do
08-19-2024 08:01 PM
Telus has removed the voice outage note on its site so it should be resolved.
do you have another phone to test the sim card as well?
if not, I think you should ask PM to check. Please open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen
or message them using this link:
08-19-2024 07:55 PM
Did a reboot and still not working
08-19-2024 07:10 PM
@Charmaine12341 try restart your phone. Some users that were down is back up now.
08-19-2024 07:06 PM
Sorry it didn’t work!😔
08-19-2024 07:06 PM
Something here makes no sense. My neighbour next door who has exactly the same plan with Public Mobile has had no issues today. He can call out no problem. I have been unable to make calls today. I have been advised that there is an issue with service in Western Canada. So how is that even possible that one person has the problem and the person right next door doesn't?
08-19-2024 07:05 PM
I am having the same issue too
08-19-2024 07:03 PM
I did a reboot and mine is still not working! 😞
08-19-2024 07:02 PM
i am having the same problem got a messaged saying it was fixed but clearly it is not i have turned off the phone turned on and removed sim card and did reset network settings and none of that works
08-19-2024 06:58 PM
it is an issue with Telus. They said they were working on it. I received a text that it was fixed, but it is not. I still cannot make outgoing calls. I was given a link earlier by someone on community that gives me text message updates from Telus.
08-19-2024 06:58 PM
I am having same problem
08-19-2024 06:57 PM
I'm in the exact same boat! I was able to receive a call but cannot make any outgoing calls or check my voicemail which is frustrating. Double checked and again I'm all paid up in the middle of my service month. So thankful I checked this forum. Fingers crossed it comes back ASAP as this is a serious inconvenience for so many of us.
08-19-2024 06:57 PM
log in to your account to just confirm that. If you have limited calling minutes, you can either wait until renewal OR...get a $5 / 500 minuites of in Canada calling add-on. So...what plan do you currently have ?
08-19-2024 06:55 PM
unlimited outgoing..
08-19-2024 06:54 PM
No I have unlimited outgoing. Thanks
08-19-2024 06:52 PM
do you have one of the plans with limited outgoing calls ? Mine is the $15 Plan with 100 minutes only outgoing...unlimited incoming.
06:50 PM
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09:49 PM
Subscription is up to date. I change the SIM card in to another working phone. Still it does the same. I am receiving calls with no issues. Texting works both ways. But can not make phone calls.
Restarted the phone, took the SIM card clean and reset. Nothing works yet. Please help
08-19-2024 06:49 PM
Both my kids cells are working now, restarted my cell again still not working so I just ordered a new sim card as I have not gotten a response from customer service. Annoying to say the least.
08-19-2024 06:43 PM
Sorry SueP2 , maybe do a reboot if you have not already done so.