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Wanting to change public mobile account phone number to another existing public mobile account phone

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi there I am wanting to change my current public mobile account phone number, to an existing public mobile accounts current phone number. I have both SIM cards and reason for wanting to switch is my business number advertised is registered to one SIM card that was my partners but she no long operates thru public mobile, but I do and would like to have that account number switched to my name and account?


Mayor / Maire


Did she port out her old number

Is that sim still working,?

Ask her to contact moderators to change to your




Then you can login and change all the info on the account

You can't Port number from your account, but if you really want that number you can opt out to a competitor than Port back in


If she ported out then her account is dead and cannot be resurrected

Mayor / Maire

@Jonny0714 wrote:

Hi there I am wanting to change my current public mobile account phone number, to an existing public mobile accounts current phone number. I have both SIM cards and reason for wanting to switch is my business number advertised is registered to one SIM card that was my partners but she no long operates thru public mobile, but I do and would like to have that account number switched to my name and account?

Another way to get it is to ask for them to give you the SIM card from their phone and insert it into a new phone, make sure you have all the account information to sign in and make sure to change it if they have access to it. 


@Jonny0714 , you can simply take over the other account.  You can edit the account profile information, including payment card and that is it.  You cannot port a number from one Public Mobile account to another Public Mobile account.  You would have to port the number to a different service and then back to Public Mobile.  Not really worth the hassle if you can just take over the account with the phone number you want to keep.  As for the other account, you can just disable payment and let it deactivate on its own after 90 days of suspension.  

Mayor / Maire

@Jonny0714 wrote:

Hi there I am wanting to change my current public mobile account phone number, to an existing public mobile accounts current phone number. I have both SIM cards and reason for wanting to switch is my business number advertised is registered to one SIM card that was my partners but she no long operates thru public mobile, but I do and would like to have that account number switched to my name and account?

This can be done in your self serve account::


To change your phone number: sign in to Self-Serve, select ‘Change Number' under 'My Profile' on the Overview page. Here, you can choose to select a new phone number or to transfer a wireless or wireline number from another provider.


Have an amazing day!

Mayor / Maire

I don't think that is possible.  Each sim has only one phone# associated to it so changing between two PM accounts is not possible.

Mayor / Maire

@Jonny0714 wrote:

Hi there I am wanting to change my current public mobile account phone number, to an existing public mobile accounts current phone number. I have both SIM cards and reason for wanting to switch is my business number advertised is registered to one SIM card that was my partners but she no long operates thru public mobile, but I do and would like to have that account number switched to my name and account?

I do not think this is possible. Can you just not take over that account and update the names etc in self service.


You can ask a moderator, but I believe they cannot transfer PM numbers.


Please use the chatbot SIMon to help you solve your issue. If SIMon cannot solve your issue then you have the option to contact a moderator.


Step 1: Choose the ? button at the right bottom corner of this page or choose “Get Help” at the top of the page and then choose the “Chat with SIMon” button.


Step 2: Tell SIMon what the issue is and see if he can find a solution for you.


Step 3: If Simon cannot find a solution then type in “moderator” to connect to a Public Mobile customer service representative.


Step 4: Simon will present you with two choices. Choose “Account-specific question”


Step 5 Then choose “No, I want a human”


Step 6 Create your ticket


Check the sent folder to make sure your ticket was sent (envelope icon, top right) and the inbox for a reply from the moderators.


“To ensure the safety of our team members during the COVID-19 pandemic, our Moderator team is working at reduced levels. During this time, you may experience longer than normal wait times when contacting our Moderator team for help.”


Moderators are available:


Monday to Friday from 8 AM to midnight Eastern time.

Saturday and Sunday from 8 AM to 10 PM Eastern time

Mayor / Maire

@Jonny0714 wrote:

Hi there I am wanting to change my current public mobile account phone number, to an existing public mobile accounts current phone number. I have both SIM cards and reason for wanting to switch is my business number advertised is registered to one SIM card that was my partners but she no long operates thru public mobile, but I do and would like to have that account number switched to my name and account?

@Jonny0714  Porting numbers between Public Mobile accounts is not allowed. Just ask your partner to switch the email of his selfserve account to a new email that you have setup and take over the account that way.

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