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Using rewards to purchase a refurbished phone

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi there,


I was wondering if I can use my rewards to purchase a new phone?






Exactly that is your only chance and you have about as equal a chance to have a brand new phone appear under your pillow one morning so don't go to the new rewards system just to burn points on entries into a draw that has no transparency and that you most likely won't win....stay on the old rewards as longgggg as you cannnnn


100% 🏎🍹

Mayor / Maire

@Timer- There was somebody a couple years ago that suggested something to a customer and they went ahead and did it and they got screwed because the suggestion was bad and irreversible. Gotta be careful with the irreversible ideas.

Reading reference material needs to be read carefully because they generally don't repeat things even to assert the point and to keep the content as brief as possible.


Gasoline only. No really, gasoline! Not diesel. We're serious. Do not put diesel in here. You will do severe damage to your engine and fuel system if you put diesel in here.

No, just gasoline only mentioned once.


Hi @LH0407 the new rewards points only allow you to win a new phone... via Jackpot 🙂


yeah your right,, because i do read it last week and i did mixed up the info, but now i read it back and to ensure, you know.

@Timer- Always important to interpret irreversible suggestions correctly. And not to skim-read on them either. And to heavily warn the customer on the side-effects.

@computergeek541 @dust2dust @LH0407 

sorry my mistake information i do reading about redeem on Lower Your Bill,
not to purchase phone,, sorry.

@Timer wrote:


if you have a new rewards points is allowed you but for old rewards not allowed.


I have assigned a solution for this thread for the correct answer.  Please do not switch to the new points system to buy a phone because it cannot be done.  The post above informing that you can do this contains incorrect information. Furthermore, if you switch from rewards to points, but then realize that you can't buy a phone with points (which you can't), you will not be able to switch back to the old rewards system.

@Timer- I'm not on points. Are you? I'm not so sure phones can be bought with points. The Get Help says Paypal or credit cards. Nowhere in the points info mentions buying phones.

Mayor / Maire


if you have a new rewards points is allowed you but for old rewards not allowed.







edited by computergeek541: incorrect information that can be potentially harmful to the customer's account

Mayor / Maire


No sorry you can't do that at this time.

I wish you could, or I would do that myself!


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