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Unable to login after failing to transfer number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I own a sim card and was able to setup a plan to it under my account and able to sign into my account with no issues. But when I went to transfer my existing number from Telus, I cancelled the request to do it at another time. Since then, I am unable to sign in because my account wants me to complete my activation which I have already done. When I scan my sim card it appears as already in use.

Am I able to reset this somehow without purchasing a new sim card/plan?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you, a CS agent said that "Due to no response being provided to the port request the account was automatically cancelled, this is a security measure to protect the owner of the phone number in case of an attempt of an unauthorized port." They reset the PM SIM and I have access again.


Then you likely need to contact customer service agent to check the status of self service account. 

Send a private message to CSA through the following link :

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Isn't the problem that you answered "no" when you receive the Telus SMS text? I believe that the porting window is very limited. Failure to respond to the text in a timely manner can prevent the porting process, and saying "no" may probably be worse. You may to need to contact Telus for assistance. Good luck.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Both my Telus and my PM sim cards are working and I have service. I just replied 'No' to the transfer text Telus sent. I'm also getting the same issue in multiple browsers which loads this page after signing in ( and the app prompts me to enter the sim card info.


More specifics would be helpful.  Is your present PM SIM card working?  Do you have service?   Did you request port via your self service account? How did you cancel the port request from Telus? Is your Telus line still working?

The website can be finicky.  Try to clear cache first, incognito mode or try a different web browser.  Or try via a different device or the App itself.   

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