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US Roaming not showing in Add Ons?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


This is what it shows in my payment history, so it should be active - but it’s not showing up in my Add-On Usage.


Does it just take a bit? Going to the US tomorrow so really need it working by then.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

In NYC right now and having no success getting data or text to work, only 2G calling seems to work.


I have the same add-on enabled.


My irritation is pretty severe.

Mayor / Maire

@McMeagger - you paid for it (just yesterday) so it should be listed on your account. Likely a cache issue. Try to log out of your account, then log back in through a tab in incognito mode. Do you then see the addon listed?

fyi - you have 240 hours after you have added it to your account to use this in the USA.


For reference, see Get Help Article for Roaming and things:

@Timer The question is why it's not showing in account not why it's not working.

Mayor / Maire


if you are in canada not working yet you have to be in U.S. to be working and tried connect network to T-Mobile. and rebooting device.

Mayor / Maire

Looks good to me. Click on the little spinner refresh icon below the shop button and see if any of it shows up. You should at least see the data.

When you get to the states, be sure to connect to T-Mobile. AT&T seems to have abandoned us. Also, only T-Mobile can give us talk on their 2G network. And turn on roaming data.

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