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U.S. roaming purchase

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

When will we be able to purchase roaming for a future date?

It shouldn't be that hard to enable this on Publics end!

It's a pain to wait till the last minute to remember to do and how long has it been that way?


Calling is the entire problem going on due to the roaming partners having shut down their 3G/UMTS/WCDMA network which is what Public uses. T-Mobile still operates their old 2G/GSM network and have allowed us to roam on that for calling. Text and data should be fine for the normal T-Mobile coverage areas. Calling will have much less coverage.

The official messaging here mentions another provider but it has been well tested by regulars here that the other roaming partner does not work at all for anything.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you sir! I will do that.👍

You can, @jim43bob 


Just make sure to manually connect network to T-Mobile when down there - calling 'should' work.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


I'm headed stateside tomorrow, are you saying I can't make a phone call? If so I'm paying $20 bucks for????

Mayor / Maire

Agree @jim43bob , Public Mobile's US options are abysmal at best.   Way too much thought required for the average user who doesn't spend an excess amount of time here on this forum.


I agree with many others that they first need to ensure good services first, then reliable and easy ways to attain those services without the silly rules @dust2dust outlines.


Only then should they move on to things like being able to post date such add-on purchases.   


Good idea, @jim43bob  !!!

Mayor / Maire

And being able to stack. And being able to re-buy when the data runs out without having to wait or ask support. And blocking the ability to buy any talk when a talk is active. And blocking the ability to buy any text when a text is active. And allow being able to re-buy at the actual expiry of the previous one...the next minute.

Yup...bigger fish though.


@jim43bob , I just don't see an option for customers to turn on US roaming add-ons ever being implemented.  It has been like this forever.  There are much bigger fish to fry at the moment like implementing VoLTE to restore calling functionality in the US.  

Mayor / Maire


No one here would know the answer to that.  But your right , it should be able by now and shouldn't be that hard to implement.


Everything about the US roaming right now is a big mess and needs a complete overhaul anyways.

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