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I know that @Luddite shares the same opinion as I as to the possibility that Twitter may increase the current 140-character limit of a Tweet to 10,000.

We so much look forward to read the equivalent of a 10-page term paper on weighty matters such as, "Do red stockings have a spiritual significance?", "My dog has fleas.", and the ever-important "How I felt drinking from a keg of beer until I passed out."

Martin: The Twitterverse is going to the dogs!
Luddite: When I was younger, we used to say that it was going to the dinosaurs.
Martin: You had dinosaurs?
Luddite: Yep, I'm no spring chicken! I used to out-run them while munching on a Coffee Crisp.
Martin: Please don't use the word, "munch".
Luddite: Why not?
Martin: Because.
Luddite: Because why?
Martin: Because the aliens don't like it.
Luddite: Aliens?
Martin: Yep, aliens like @Jeremy_M.
Luddite: I thought that he was a bot.
Martin: He is, but an alien, too.
Luddite: You're weird!
Martin: I'm weird? You're weird!



What does on line mean? If I wish to watch the Rick and Morty show, what type of line do I need? Also does it need to connect to my colander or that 100 lb (45.45 kg for you youngsters) TV in the corner?


As always, be sure to include intructions for old technology; it;'s hard to keep up with you young folk. Although, you do provide the odd bit of humour. Man LOL

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.


Hi @kutzki,

Now that I think about it, @Luddite has never mentioned any television program to me. Considering how long in the tooth he is, it's quite possible that he doesn't know how to turn a TV set on or off, or how to change channels. I recall the inordinate effort to help him learn how to enter a number in a phone's dialer.

I do know that @Luddite enjoys his rocking chair; with a blankie across his lap; with a hot toddy in hand; while Sam, his petrified cat, is propped upright on the floor next to him. All this while he listens to his Victrola.

Please bear in mind @Luddite's limitations. At least he's unlike someone whom I met decades ago who believed that TV sets didn't receive signals; instead, the characters in a TV show were actually little people inside the set!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Martin I'm glad to see you open to new things. I had a feeling you'd enjoy it... Based on the fact that almost everyone I know that has watched it has loved it, except tfor those with bad taste, but they just have bad taste. You should really get @Luddite to watch it as well because I am quite sure he'll enjoy it.

Best regards,



Hi @kutzki,

I found the Rick and Morty show online. LOL!

You're right about how funny it is. Thanks again for recommending it.

From what I was able to infer, each episode runs a total of 22.5 minutes, which means it's a 30-minute show.

I'm sure that I can prop @Luddite up and give him a swig of Geritol, so that he can stay awake for 22.5 minutes.

Though it's purely fictional, I have a feeling that Bob and Sue will enjoy it, too.


Hi @kutzki,

Thank you very much for recommending the Rick and Morty show. Is it on a Canadian or American TV network, or on a specialty channel. If the latter, is it Canadian or American?

If it's very interesting and relevant, I'll recommend it to Bob and Sue. They think that Earthlings are "quaint" to quote Sue.

The reason that I always mention Bob and Sue at approximately the same time is on account of my always seeing them together. Not only are they the two primary Mother Ship operators, but, to use the closest term possible, spouses to one another. Each has 2 Ph.D.s, which is the minimal requirement to be an operator. One doctorate must be in astrophysics. The other tends to be in Inter-world Mediation, which is a very highly sought after specialty.

I'll say more later. I need to check my colander.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Martin, ahh yes, the infamous Geritol that @Luddite is so well known for taking. Thank you for the explanation, it is much appreciated. As for your question, because it is the platinum age of television and I have a feeling you'd really enjoy it. 


It is about a super-genius scientist (Rick) that travels through space and time and different dimensions with his not-so-genius grandson (Morty). Even if you don't watch Television, I highly, HIGHLY, recommend you watch this ONE show, because I can guarantee you that it is 100% worth it. Of you're ever up late, as you're known to do, and @Luddite is aaleep or something, then I suggest you stream it online or something else of the same sort. It is honestly one of the funniest and most entertaining things I have ever seen in my life, and it's animated which gives the creators full creative control. I wouldn't recommend a show this much if it wasn't in your best interest to watch it. 😛


Best regards,




P.S. For those of you who want to know how to pronounce my username it is Cut-Ski. 🙂


Hi again @kutzki,

The operators have names that are unpronounceable to Earthlings. In order to address them, I chose "Bob" and "Sue". Due to their gender-neutrality, I made very very discreet inquiries about their reproductive functioning, hence the male name Bob, and the female name Sue.

@Luddite can be fun to be with, but he tends to sleep alot. There's only so much Geritol that his doctor allows him to take.

As to the Rick and Morty show, I don't watch television. Why watch TV when I can travel intergalactically?


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Well @Martin, that does indeed sound like quite the conundrum. I should really go to Yorkville and check them out. As for the Dollarama Colanders, well I've gotten a couple of very useful items from Dollarama and they turned out to be of a decent quality. You and @Luddite sound like you have tons of fun, indeed. 


Do Bob and Sue have last names or does the intergalactic council not allow the use of last names for anonymity purposes?


One last question, have you ever seen a show called Rick and Morty?


Best regards,




Hi @kutzki,

First, D. Trump keeps many people awake at night.

Last night, I wrote a very long post about colanders and the Mother Ship, especially its operators, Bob and Sue. Unfortunately, I timed out, or at least my post did. 🙂

Had you read the post, you would now understand the responsibilities that I both enjoy and bear being the friend of Bob and Sue.

What I can say is that they travel intergalactically and have solved the time-space conundrum. I introduced @Luddite after vouching for his bona fides. He has not let me down, nor do I expect him to.

When @Luddite and I are on Earth, we communicate with Bob and Sue when we wear inverted colanders on our heads. The best ones are made from copper, mined in Chile. They're sold in Toronto's Yorkville shopping district.

Others are sold by Dollarama, without the permission of Bob and Sue. As to quality and functionality, you get what you pay for.

I would say more, but a transmission from Bob and Sue will be arriving shortly, and I must don my colander.

Cheers from Earth!

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Martin I get email notifications for posts on this forum, as I'm guessing most people do, I just read your post and laughed out loud. Truly hilarious, although why someone of such advanced years ( 😉 )is pulling all nighters, I couldn't tell you. Guess those Colanders, mother ships, and I can't believe this is in the same sentence but Donald Trump really keep you up at night, huh? 


Best regards,



Hi @kutzki,

Thank you very much for your post.

I sincerely accept your apology, though I was not offended; I was disappointed. As far as I'm concerned, all is well between us.

I would say more, but I pulled another all- nighter due to Bob and Sue discussing colanders and Donald Trump with me.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Jeremy_M and @Martin and @Luddite. I would like to apologize for my outburst in last night's post. I concede. You are all 100% correct and imbecile was definitely an inappropriate word to use. If I am being honest, when I was posting I thought that might be taking it a step too far, or three and thus, I apologize for this to the PM tech support and all the members of this community.


In response to your question @Martin, it was meant to be in regards to the first level customer support as I have to agree with you in that the majority of the techs on this forum are highly competent and organised as well as having the ability to do their job not only properly, but well. I would say.



@Jeremy in regards to your PS response to @7789849803, I would just like to say that you are correct, there is a human behind every support desk answer, but if they are working so hard, why are there so many complaints. I understand that we don't see all the people they probably help, but even my own mother, whom I have referred to this wonderful service provider was surprised and extremely disappointed in the service she was provided when we couldn't get her phone set up properly the first time. The funny thing is, the simplest fix in the world fixed the problem.... All we had to do was restart the phone, if they had just suggested that in the first email we wouldn't have to go through 3 days of back and forth emails with them, which takes me to my next problem...


PM is the only company without a phone number... A cell phone provider, even a prepaid one without a phone number is like hiring a snow plow for the winter (we're Canadian we all know what these are) without shovels or a truck... It just seems.... Improper and a tad unprofessional. Yes I understand it's very expensive and youre still in beta but you are a company built on the feedback from the community, and the community has spoken, and you have not listened. Even if you don't have a phone number, why not try a live chat that you still have to go through all the steps to get to the contact page to gain access to in order to help you with the correct problem. 


One last thing... @Martin I greatly appreciate the compliment about my command over the English language. Means a lot so thank you, yours isn't too bad yourself. Also you should know. I am not one of those people, I simply made a mistake in the way I addressed PM tech support. Maybe we should all be more appreciative, even if the 1st Level Tech Support staff... Do they read these forums? Probably.... 😞



Best regards,


Your friendly neighbourhood tired man, (Maybe that could be the name of a character? Lol)



Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired

Hey @kutzki,


Thank you for participating in our on-line Community. I've read your comment above and it was also escalated by multiple Community members, where you call PM tech support "abonimable imbeciles".


There is no room for this language in our Community, we don't stand for any bashing of individuals or agents that work on our behalf. This is contrary to what our Community stands for.


I would suggest you get familiar with the terms and service of our online Community for future reference:


I did edit your comment in consequence,




P.S @7789849803 It's fine that you don't see this as offensive but behind the support desk there is a human working, and trust me they are working very hard to assist customers that come across issues.



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

I agree with @kutzki in the sense that sometimes the response to support queries can sound less than well thought-out. The frustration that this precipitates in the hearts and minds of those being affected by service problems for hours/days on end can then surely be understood by us all.


In this context, if we make fun of a department for being less than competent, then I find it hard to not laugh along, based solely on facts (and my own personal opinion with the particular business unit).


No one here in this thread has yet insulted any person - which would clearly be wrong because we are all cogs in a larger machine. But to silence all harsh criticisms of a dysfunctional unit in the machine is hardly going to serve any good, especially given the harsh problems faced from time to time by PM customers in getting their problems attended to.


In my own humble opinion, we each need to make room for all types of opinions, even if they don't coincide with our own. As long as there is no direct threat or insult to any one person, I welcome (and endorse) all commendations and criticisms equally.


That said, personally, I try to phrase as much of my criticism in a constructive way as possible. But I'd still rather read badly phrased criticism on this community than less (or no) criticism.


Hello @kutzki


Notwithstanding my positive reaction to your interest in Bob and Sue and the Mother Ship, I was deeply disappointed in your calling tech support "abominable imbeciles".

First, insulting others is a violation of community norms, and may lead to a warning and/or the insulting language being deleted. No matter how frustrated that you feel, there is no bona fide reason to insult others, especially in light of your excellent command of the English language, as evidenced in the above and other posts.

If your insult was intended towards first-level customer assistance, I agree with you that there is disorganization. Insulting them for being disorganized will not motivate them to become more organized; it simply marks you as one who violates community norms in order to denigrate others.

If your insult was intended for second-level go to individuals, such as @Jeremy_M, @Tamar_S, @Terri_D and @Guetson_R, your comment was way off the mark. None of them is a tech expert. Their job, as go-to individuals, is to know whom to contact to have a problem resolved. Can they be more organized? Yes, and that can be said for other bureaucratic organizations where certain constraints are in place.

I sincerely hope that you will reconsider the use of insulting language, and remove it at your own volition.

Thank you.



...the abonimable imbeciles, no offense meant...

...Been a while since I've written anything nearly as lengthy and thorough as this post.

Oh boy! There's so much going on in those sentences. LOL...

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Cath and what price would that be?

@Martin, I wish I knew who all these interesting-sounding people were whom you speak of. These adventures sound awesome so please do speak to Bob and Sue, as I'd love to read more about the Adventures of @Martin and @Luddite. It could be like those old radio dramas that my parents would listen to when they were kids.

I'm only 20 so it was before my time, however I must say, you guys really should make some sort of weekly publication or something. I'm sure many of the wonderful members of this community would be more than willing to help you guys out with it as well.

If you would, please excuse my abhorrent formatting skills... Been a while since I've written anything nearly as lengthy and thorough as this post. Hehehehe.

Best regards,



LOL with @Cath


I didn't realize that anyone was following our experiences with colanders and the Mother Ship, especially its operators, Bob and Sue.

If they're willing to allow me to disclose more, I'll surely publish a post.

Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated! I'll convey it to Sue and Bob.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@kutzki That's nothing.  Just wait till @Martin and @Luddite get to discussing the Mother Ship and colanders.  Worth the price of admission it is.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
This is quite some amazing banter the two of you got there, I must say.

@Martin Your proposal is acceptable. Looking forward to taking your money, no no I mean to a successful venture.

PS: Please remember to mark the post that is most pleasing as the "Solution".

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Hi @Luddite,

Considering that you still owe me $500, I'll cut you a cheque for $1,500, and mail it this Monday. OK?

In light of your being a financial wizard, will my 20% be taxable? Do I need to declare it?

Waiting patiently for the overseas $$$$$,


What can I say? Wait, it was either

a) How else do the rich get richer? or

b) Fool you once shame on me, fool you twice shame on you?

To make it up to you, I have a bank account in Nigeria that only needs a few thousand to free up the million. I'm a bit short just now , so just send me $2,000 and 20% of what I get is yours ?

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.


So sorry!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen




It is with considerable regret that I must announce that there will be no further episodes. Due to @Luddite writing NSF cheques, the entire production crew, including alien ghost writers, has quit en masse.

My deepest apologies to our legion of fans. 😞


@youbme wrote:

As far as 10-page papers on questions that delve into deep questions of human existence, the act of stitching together random 140-character tweets might bring about world peace - or at least a better understanding of alien invaders.


Looking forward to part 2!

Moi aussi.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

As far as 10-page papers on questions that delve into deep questions of human existence, the act of stitching together random 140-character tweets might bring about world peace - or at least a better understanding of alien invaders.


Looking forward to part 2!

Mayor / Maire

Oh my! And you were saying the weather was possibly getting to me!


@Martin Maybe if the weather there is making you believe crazy things, you could consider moving to a warmer place? Maybe Raincouver Vancouver? Just sayin... Smiley Wink

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