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Trouble porting my phone number

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I need help porting my phone number from Bell to Public. The transfer option on self serve is not working.


Thank you


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Your bell phone number has to be active, and you need to provide the correct Bell account #  (9digits) linked to your Bell phone number. If the port request still fails, you can contact a moderator

@ab_eb2 wrote:

I need help porting my phone number from Bell to Public. The transfer option on self serve is not working.


Thank you

Is there some type of error messages such as phone number not eligible or regex error?

Mayor / Maire

@ab_eb2 try @Daps webrowser reset. If it doesn't work. Contact a moderator and explain your problem . Click on the green questionmark in the white circle at the bottom right of your screen . This connects to the autobot Simon.  Type moderator and follow the prompts to get to one . (CLICK on account specific question and human and submit a ticket )

@ab_eb2 wrote:

I need help porting my phone number from Bell to Public. The transfer option on self serve is not working.


Thank you


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Please explain what you mean by not working?


You enter your phone number and it tells you that number is not eligle to be ported?



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