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Transferring old number to public mobile but not starting a plan

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi there,

Friend of mine is moving away and I'm taking over his number, planning to transfer it to a new public mobile sim, however it's to store the number for later use as I already have my own

After transferring can I keep the PM sim card without a monthly subscription? and if so for how long?

It's for when my friend's/family come to visit so they'll have something to use

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Noted, thanks for the info 🙂

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ah good to know, thank you for the quick response

Mayor / Maire

HI @Maig0yume 

you can stop the autopay and PM will not charge you at the end of the current cycle. From the day of the current cycle, you have 90 days to come back and resume service (better to do it couple days before the 90 days deadline)  If you need it stop service longer, you will still need to pay for one 30 days cycle at that time (maybe change to a lower price plan like $15).  Similarly, after that 30 days, you have another 90 days grace period

if you ever miss the 90 days deadline, the account would be closed

Mayor / Maire

@Maig0yume Unfortunately Public Mobile does not allow you to "park" a number for later use. You could always port it to a service like Number Barn" that is made to do this.

Edit spelling

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