06-23-2023 12:20 PM
06-23-2023 01:28 PM
It started at the overhaul.....calls used to be in local time and text messages in eastern time. Now messages are in local time and calls are 3 hours (for me in bc) behind..... .....Hawaiian/Aleutian time. Hot and cold....that's how it goes at public mobile?!!
06-23-2023 12:38 PM
9am PST shows as 6am.
Rarely check my usage history so don't know when it started.
In the past, a 9am PST call would show as 12pm EST
06-23-2023 12:35 PM
@hTideGnow- Are you outside eastern time? If so, try it. Yes, it's reversed. It used to make some sense with some of the timestamps being eastern time.
06-23-2023 12:27 PM
HI @Hollinger
since this My Account upgrade? or it just start showing wrong time today?
If you meant 6am PST call showing as 9am, it makes sense, but the other way around. 🤔
06-23-2023 12:24 PM
Yup. Yet another bug. Just more evidence of lack of testing.