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The future of SMS is here! (Only Rogers for now)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Google has announced that Rogers would be the first carrier to get the RCS support:


If you don't know already, RCS is the next iteration of our old SMS protocol, however the carrier needs to support it (as well as software, which is already in the latest Google Messenger app).


So hopefully Telus / PM will get onboard soon!


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
@stonechucker see here:

That's the beauty of RCS is that it's not a closed proprietary protocol only available from Google (or like iMessage only from Apple) . Anyone could write a client to the standard, and Textra are among the first to say they will.

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Ok.  Now I need to do more research.  I may have missed it in the article bode, but I don't think it said anything bout other clients being included.  If I missed it, I missed it.


so, something to look forward too.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
@stonechucker Textra have already announced they will be supporting RCS soon!

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And therein lies another issue.  If I can't customize the interface, there is a great chance that I will be downloading Textra on my next android device, as I have visual imparmemts which prevent me from using so apps, whether it be colours or fonts or other things.  I'm sorry to say, developers generally do not consider those who do not fit 'a normal' person profile.


i will see what happens if we ever see this on Public Mobile.  Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@stonechucker, if you are on Android, you will not have to download another app. It will be Google's standard messaging app that will be preloaded onto Android phones.

Okay, I've read the article, but gin, it's another client I would have to install on my device, and I don't want to do that.


SMS IS SIMPLE MESSAGING SERVICE.  RCS goes beyond this, but doesn't simply update the installed client, it's a new app, or different app to what I'm using.

Sadly, you found me out, I didn't read the article.  But I can see Apple refusing to be included, because they think they know best for everyone.  The went 30-pin connector so you had to buy their replacement cable, rather than using one of the USB cables if it got damaged, the did the same with the lightning cable because they weren't hosing consumers enough.


i will read the article to form a more informed opinion, as obviously I'm behind on the times now.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@stonechucker Did you read through what I posted? It sounds like you jumped straight to your own assumption.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@stonechucker that's exactly what RCS has the potential to be--a standard for messaging.  That said, it's a mystery is Apple will ever integrate RCS support into iMessage or not, so it may end up becoming an Android-only standard with fallback to SMS for messaging Apple users (similar to how iMessage works for iOS).

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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Sadly TELUS is always last to adobe to technological changes (see VoLTE, VoWiFi).

For once I'd like TELUS to be at the forefront (at least in Canada).

Mayor / Maire

I know SMS is the most simplist of celluar messaging, but come on, iMessage, BB Pin, Hangouts, Allo, FB Messenger, etc.... they should all be able to interconnect with the Sent/Received info, and end-to-end encryption.


This stuff frustrates me to no end, why can't we have a standard?

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