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Text message from Public Mobile? Or not?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I got a message from (226) 748-9591:


Due to a recent overcharge on your last bill, (account: 226600*), we sent you the remaining balance: 


Next message was:


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I assume this isn't from Public Mobile??? Or is it? I was overcharged last time ($6), but that was taken care of on last bill. Just confused and double checking. My account was suspended but payment was finally processed a few hours ago. (like 2 PM)


Google search indicates that 226-748-**** is a Wyoming, ON number. 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@will13am wrote:

Looks like a phishing scam to me.  Public Mobile runs a prepaid service exclusively.  They cannot and will not ask a customer to pay up.  It is the customer's prerogative to buy service as they see fit.  I suggest blocking that number.

I know, I'm thrown off that it is suggesting that I was overcharged (and I actually was), but I won't click that link either way, never have, and never will. But I did want to double check..


Thanks y'all

@Luddite wrote:

Definitly not PM from Wyoming. Block that number. Do not respond. In the UK there are many short code texts that can result in charges if you reply!

Prepaid service to the rescue for these short code charges! 


Definitly not PM from Wyoming. Block that number. Do not respond. In the UK there are many short code texts that can result in charges if you reply!

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Scam!! There was a previous post a couple of weeks ago on the same subject.


Looks like a phishing scam to me.  Public Mobile runs a prepaid service exclusively.  They cannot and will not ask a customer to pay up.  It is the customer's prerogative to buy service as they see fit.  I suggest blocking that number.

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