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Switched to a new sim card, but no service?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi everyone, first time here. I'm in a bit of a situation and wondering if anyone got experience.

I lost my Public mobile sim card a week ago.  I put the service on hold immediately to avoid security issues.  Later, I bought a new sim card and followed the instructions posted here to change sim card & resumed service.  But after all that is done. My phone is still showing "SOS only" and not able to connect to the net work.  No hardware issues, the phone is the same and had worked with PM before. I initially thought it takes some time to switch, but now it's been 2 days. Anything I can do?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for this! Contacted CS and they thought it was a faulty sim. I had to buy a new sim card. The CS was able to credit the sim card cost to my account though. New sim card works right away. Gosh never in a million years would I expect faulty sim.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes to both

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I don't know if this is the case for every phone, but when the sim card doesn't work, the network settings can't even be open. The phone is acting as if the sim card is not installed. The same happens when I put the same sim card in another phone.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Never, and I thanked everyone for every bit of advice, but a lot of the strategies suggested here I have already tried.

HI @Pierre_Papier 

reboot the phone once and try Reset all netowrks

if same,   please submit a ticket with CS Agent and they can refresh your account and make it works


no need to be snarky to folks who take time to assist you. You said you put service on hold did you do that ? Did you go back and un-do that ?


Try resetting your network settings?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I wouldn't haven been here if not have already tried all that multiple times, to no avail. And yes, confirmed in my account that the new sim card number is correct.

Mayor / Maire


did you update your new sim on your account ? Did you un-hold the phone ?


Mayor / Maire


Log into self service and confirm that the sim number matches your new sim card and then reinstall in phone again. You can also try sim in another unlocked phone.

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