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Subscription error

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

When I try to pay for the subscription, it said "failed, try again later" since yesterday. When I try to put the debit card that I have always use to pay, it said credit card validation failed


hi @Uydjit 

you can try to ask support agent and see if they can find out what was wrong.  Please submit  ticket by direct message:  


Remember CS_agent will reply to your Community inbox within 2 to 4 hours, please check your inbox here:

Mayor / Maire

If payments fail try in 1 hour.
Try to use computer.

Do not try too many times as your card might be temporarily blocked.

Why don't you set up autopay? 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have tried everything you mentioned, including use the app to subscribe and use web on google to subscribe 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Uydjit  - this may seem like a ridiculous question, but has your debit card expired by chance? If not, @hTideGnow 's reply should get you on track! 

Mayor / Maire

HI @Uydjit 

were you using the app to subscribe?  If not, please download PM app and try again

if you have been using the app, try to uninstall the app, reboot phone, reinstall the app and use a different email to setup another account and try again.  Make sure the address and postal code match those with your credit card


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