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Since Mobilicity is walking off in the sunset after tomorrow, perhaps PM should.....

Mayor / Maire

Mobilicity is about to hop on the night train for the big adios.


Would be interesting IF PM had something for those who are hesitating about Chatr, and I think PM could be the solution


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My previous provider was 3G and was terrible.  I only stuck with it due to cost and data capacity.

However there were many times where i found myself with absolutely no signal which is not a good feeling even with roaming enabled.


I don't consder 3G to be cruise control but akin to a turtle in a rabbit race!


Man Indifferent

Yes, but 3G was cruise control, LTE is the Hemi, and Rogers, well, he was last singing, its a wonderful day in the neighborhood

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Some of those grandfathered plans are pretty well priced but definitely can't compete with LTE speeds.

I never compared those 3G carriers with PM. People really care about the speed now a days. 

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Perhaps some Mobi PPL feel that they're not getting adequate.

PM can certainly be the sweetener that Chatr might not have, hence sugar and spice.

Just a thought 


Are you aware Mobilicity customers are being offered (effectively) grandfathered plans not available to everyone?

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.
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