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Shareable data?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Will PM ever get unlimited shareable data plans? 


@Poogzley wrote:

@LovesToPM wrote:

@Poogzley wrote:

It would be amazing if they would introduce roll-over data and data gifting like Fizz Mobile offer!. Yes, I am aware that I am dreaming in color...

I agree Fizz has some benefits, but customers are experiencing growing pains atm.


Most importantly, I ask for a reliable Canada-wide network.


It would also be good if Fizz gives customers unlimited picture messaging, recurring referral credit and loyalty rewards.

@LovesToPM I also have a phone line with Fizz and other than their 3 outages that lasted almost a day each I have had not problems with them. By the way Fizz does offer unlimited picture & video messaging and their Canada wide + USA coverage is quite reliable on top of that calling back to Canada was free during my trip to Japan and data in Asia was reasonably priced. (PM doesn't offer roaming to Asia and Europe). Fizz does also give a one time refferal credit of 25$ to you and the person you refer and they do provide loyalty rewards like free data addon, international calling and discounts that renewed monthly once earned.



Hi @Poogzley 

It's a known fact that Fizz is undergoing their stabilization period for the past 5 months.


Yes there are differences. Just like you, I was pointing out some of them.


If rewards have a 2 year lifespan and are supposed to expire after that, I wouldn't exactly call them "loyalty" rewards. Please don't mention the international calling reward as I have to yet to see anyone receive that.


In case people aren't aware, you don't need a data plan with PM to send and receive picture messages. With all other providers, you need a data plan and the usage is counted towards your plan.


I know Fizz is still in it's infancy. We'll see how it goes...
I welcome their service and wish them well. Competition is always good for the consumer. Smiley Happy

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Master2000 wrote:

When you are outside Fizz zone you need add-on.

@Master2000 that's not entirely true you can also redeem your rewards or use your wallet, not to mention that calling home is currently free when roaming in Asia and Europe

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@LovesToPM wrote:

@Poogzley wrote:

It would be amazing if they would introduce roll-over data and data gifting like Fizz Mobile offer!. Yes, I am aware that I am dreaming in color...

I agree Fizz has some benefits, but customers are experiencing growing pains atm.


Most importantly, I ask for a reliable Canada-wide network.


It would also be good if Fizz gives customers unlimited picture messaging, recurring referral credit and loyalty rewards.

@LovesToPM I also have a phone line with Fizz and other than their 3 outages that lasted almost a day each I have had not problems with them. By the way Fizz does offer unlimited picture & video messaging and their Canada wide + USA coverage is quite reliable on top of that calling back to Canada was free during my trip to Japan and data in Asia was reasonably priced. (PM doesn't offer roaming to Asia and Europe). Fizz does also give a one time refferal credit of 25$ to you and the person you refer and they do provide loyalty rewards like free data addon, international calling and discounts that renewed monthly once earned.



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

When you are outside Fizz zone you need add-on.

@Poogzley wrote:

It would be amazing if they would introduce roll-over data and data gifting like Fizz Mobile offer!. Yes, I am aware that I am dreaming in color...

I agree Fizz has some benefits, but customers are experiencing growing pains atm.


Most importantly, I ask for a reliable Canada-wide network.


It would also be good if Fizz gives customers unlimited picture messaging, recurring referral credit and loyalty rewards.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

It would be amazing if they would introduce roll-over data and data gifting like Fizz Mobile offer!. Yes, I am aware that I am dreaming in color...

Mayor / Maire

@jonfirlotte wrote:

Will PM ever get unlimited shareable data plans? 

We would have to get unlimited data plans first.

Shareable plans are less likely since PM is one phone number per account.

Mayor / Maire

Like all the responses it is very unlikely but if the issue is the need for data because your data is running out perhaps the person you want to share with uses much less than their plan allotment or vice versa. You could use a mobile hotspot to "share" data. I generally use less than 1gb however I am on the $40 5gb (4.5+.5gb) because for $5 the extra 3.5 is worth it so it's there if I need it. My boyfriend is on the $50 8.5gb and he uses a lot of data. His plan renews halfway thru my plan cycle. When I'm getting close to plan renewal and he has used more than half of his I will let him hotspot some of mine so it doesn't get wasted and he's assured he won't run out before his renewal. Between us we can share 13.5gb obviously we have to be together to do this but there are plenty of times when you may be away from WiFi. I am happy to watch the world go by and he needs to keep his mind occupied. So it may be a case of one of you increasing your plan ($35 to $40 plan) so the other can benefit from the extra without having to add an expensive data top up. With a little planning being aware of times you can share data by hotspotting and keeping an eye on your usage can help in giving you enough data for both of your needs. Unless you're expecting an unlimited shareable plan that's the whole point of a shareable data plan...buying enough data so that high and low users have their needs met without wasting it or occurring overages (which can't happen on pm) or needing to top up. More bang for your buck.

Mayor / Maire


8 ball - sources say no 1.png

Lots of work to do this; including creating combined account billing & logins

It aint happening

(why would you need to share if both phones were unlimited anyways?)


@jonfirlotte wrote:

Will PM ever get unlimited shareable data plans? 



Share plans are yesterday's marketing gimmick.  These days it is the "unlimited" data schtick.  I expect a competitive response to Lucky Mobile soon.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@jonfirlotte wrote:

Will PM ever get unlimited shareable data plans? 

Almost every Provider in this country makes decisions instantly without telling anyone, now when I say anyone that means us customers, the community here & almost every employee of Public Mobile.  So to answer your question no one knows.  

Mayor / Maire

I don't think PM will offer them for the forseeable future.  Many people want family plans to share minutes but PM has not offered them either.

Mayor / Maire

Never know what the future holds 

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