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Selective call forwarding

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I want to forward calls from a specific phone number (the intercom) to my houseguest's mobile phone so they can answer the door while I'm away.  Is there a way to do this?

I do not want to forward all my calls, just the ones from this number.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Alexandf wrote:

sorry @Nezgar 

line online and put it your code to forward single one number only? and other number calls is will be coming normal to that line

@Alexandf   can you slow down and write clearer? 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for the detailed and thoughtful response, @Nezgar! I hadn't thought of these creative solutions.

There will be times I won't have mobile phone coverage, so the phone will be unreachable.  My understanding is that I won't be able to achieve what I want by blocking the intercom number and forwarding on the blocked condition, because the "unreachable" condition would kick in first.


I'll look into the voip services you suggested. Thank you.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I should have clarified.  By "away" I mean I'll be out of town.  The phone will be unreachable, at least for the time it is on an airplane.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

sorry @Nezgar 

line online and put it your code to forward single one number only? and other number calls is will be coming normal to that line

Mayor / Maire

We also don't know what the OP meant by "away".

@Alexandf wrote:

thank you @Nezgar 

sorry not get. if one number can be, but they phone will be off and how to used then if off.

If the phone is off, then only the "not reachable" / *62 condition can be triggered. The phone would have to remain on and in service/coverage for the selection between regular calls and calls selectively diverted using *67.


The ideal way is using a 3rd party service like or to do remote call forwarding, as I described above.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

thank you @Nezgar 

sorry not get. if one number can be, but they phone will be off and how to used then if off.

@Alexandf wrote:


not be able to forward single one number only? can provide some photos how to be. thank you.

With conditional call forwarding, you could forward to three different number simultaneously, depending on the "condition" triggered.. Unanswered calls could go to one number, calls when your phone is off the network, ie airplane mode or out of coverage area could go to a 2nd number, and the 3rd where you block or decline incoming calls via your phone can go to a third. All three can be completely different numbers.


The specific conditional call forwards are visible in most (all?) phone app call forwarding menus on Android and iPhone, or can also be directly set by dialing the *61 *62 or *67 codes.


See this public mobile help article describing them in detail:

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


not be able to forward single one number only? can provide some photos how to be. thank you.

@Alexandf wrote:


you will not be able to forward one number to another number. with wireless service, all number will be forwarded.

This is incorrect in the case of combining conditional call forwarding with the phones blocked callers list, as I described above. You can have "blocked" or "declined" calls forwarded somewhere other than your voicemail, while other calls will continue to ring through and/or reach your regular voicemail.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


you will not be able to forward one number to another number. with wireless service, all number will be forwarded.

Mayor / Maire

Heya @m00ooo


I see two options here... 1st along the lined that @darlicious mentioned, creatively using conditional call forwarding... The "condition" for blocked or manually declined calls is *67 (ie to forward to 3063375845 you would dial *67*3063375845# and undo with ##67#). Then, any calls that you either manually decline as you see them coming in, or that you have previously entered on your phones blacked caller ID list will immediately trigger that condition, and forward the call to that number instead of your own voicemail...


The other option I'm thinking is to sign up with a cheap or free alternate VoIP service, and have the intercom system dial that number instead of your mobile number directly. Then you can just login online occasionally to update the call forwarding configuration of where you want all calls directed to -- noone else actually needs to know what the number is. One free example is, you can get a phone number in most major Canadian cities and you only have to make at least one outgoing call every few months to keep the number. You login via their web portal and can configure which alternative number to ring, be it your mobile, or your house guests.


Another cheap paid option is For only a few cents per minute, and less than $1 per month, you get a very feature-rich service, but call forwarding is one of them, and easy to update call forwarding via their web interface. They may have local numbers available in even more communities across Canada if doesn't. Have the intercom system dial that number for onward routing. As a paid service, you never have to worry about losing the number if you forget to make an occasional outgoing call, other than maintaining a balance as it is pre-paid.

Mayor / Maire


You need to select from your conditional call forwarding options in your phone probably unanswered or unreachable would do the trick. Basically it depends on how you plan to manage the calls when they come into public mobile do you plan on declining them or what? Look at your options and then choose the best conditional call forwarding option to call forward your intercom phone number to your friends phone number.


Of course the expert around here on this kind of stuff is always @Nezgar .

@m00ooo wrote:

I want to forward calls from a specific phone number (the intercom) to my houseguest's mobile phone so they can answer the door while I'm away.  Is there a way to do this?

I do not want to forward all my calls, just the ones from this number.

Sorry, but Public Mobile doesn't offer an options to forward calls only from a specific phone number.

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