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Running out of Data; Options?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I've been having internet troubles this month so I'm using my Public data much more than usual. I'm currently on the $35 plan, which gives 1.5 GB data.


Can I switch to the $40 plan (which gives 5 GB data) and then back again once my internet is fixed?

Will the changes to the available data take effect immediately or would I have to wait until next month?

If I switch plans will I lose my $10 CNY bonus or any other bonus?


The great thing about the add ons, excluding the Us 10 day ones. Is that they do not expire until used up. The $30 1gig data addon is one of these. Buying an add-on is a 2 step process.  First add the funds to your self service account, then buy the addon. 

@Jibbles wrote:

Thanks for the input. I guess the best option to retain my CNY bonus is to get a data add-on.


Does the add-on take effect immediately, and can I ensure that it's only active for one month?


@Jibbles wrote:

Thanks for the input. I guess the best option to retain my CNY bonus is to get a data add-on.


Does the add-on take effect immediately, and can I ensure that it's only active for one month?

Add-ons are only a one time purchase (unless you purchase another).  The add-on will stay on your account unitl used up completely, ie: does not expire.  But the data add-ons are quite expensive, $30/1 GB and $10/ 200 mb. 



@Jibbles wrote:

Thanks for the input. I guess the best option to retain my CNY bonus is to get a data add-on.


Does the add-on take effect immediately, and can I ensure that it's only active for one month?

The data add-on is effective immediately.....if you do not use it all it rolls over each 30 days till used up.


Add-on is a one time purchase


To buy an add-on its a two step process.. follow guide below.


               Guide click here 



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for the input. I guess the best option to retain my CNY bonus is to get a data add-on.


Does the add-on take effect immediately, and can I ensure that it's only active for one month?

@gblackma wrote:

@Jibbles you will lose the Lunar promotion bonus if you switch the plan. It was part of the terms of the promotion. As to other bonuses, you have to mention them rom, we can be sure.

Uhm..... is there a typo or two in there? Since I have ZERO idea what you're saying, it's also possible the OP is in the same boat...... 🤔 

Mayor / Maire

@Jibbles you will lose the Lunar promotion bonus if you switch the plan. It was part of the terms of the promotion. As to other bonuses, you have to mention them rom here, so that we can be sure.

@Jibbles wrote:

I've been having internet troubles this month so I'm using my Public data much more than usual. I'm currently on the $35 plan, which gives 1.5 GB data.


Can I switch to the $40 plan (which gives 5 GB data) and then back again once my internet is fixed?

Will the changes to the available data take effect immediately or would I have to wait until next month?

If I switch plans will I lose my $10 CNY bonus or any other bonus?


Mayor / Maire



According to link below regarding the CNY promotion any plan changes you will loose promotion.

Mayor / Maire

Options are 


Use wifi till your plan renews.


Buy a $30 add-on.


Change plan as you mentioned.

However there is two options to change plans.


Change now - you're charged immediately charged and new plan starts right away. No refund on previous plan for unused days.


Change at next renewal - you keep same plan you're on. New plan and new plan charge starts on your next payment date.


You can always switch back down...when you want...but follow above details in change now and change at next renewal..


Also you may want to change permanently to $40 plan for more data.... considering its $35 for 1.5 gigs your paying..$10 additional dollars from $25 plan for a mere 500 mb extra


So $5 more for $40 plan gives you 4.5 gigs. And extra 500 mb bonus to 5 gigs with autopay. And autopay gives a $2 discount per 30 days bringing plan cost to $38 plus any other rewards you have 




important....check your promotion terms and conditions. if you're allowed to change plans without losing promotion

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