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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

If I buy a roaming add-on, can I call (voice) from Hawaii to North Carolina?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks, that's very helpful.


with iPhone SE 2022, you'll have a volte enabled phone. You'll have no problem calling while in US. BTW...just leave cellular data enabled all the time. As a prepaid cell service, you'll never get a bill for using too much data or anything else. If you don't pre-pay for something, it just won't work. With data, you have a limit and once you hit that will just stop. You can't be billed anything extra unless you actually buy something like extra data add-on or some such.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sorry, I have it now.  I had 'cellular data' off too.  Not sure how it made the call.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have 3rd generation SE from 2022, so not so old after all.  I turned off WiFi and made a local call, but I didn't see 'LTE', just 'Public Mobile'.  Do I have to test with a long distance call, or maybe from the U.S.?


which iPhone SE...I have the 2020 and it does work on volte. If you have the 2016, it has volte, but PM won't turn it on.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Had to look up VoLTE.  My iPhone SE is too old, but I'll try your advice when I get to Hawaii.

Mayor / Maire


although PM offers talk while in US, I found that your phone must be volte enabled for best talk experience. In the US, they've shut down their 3G network so calls will work on volte or you must have a phone that will drop to 2G for calls.  To find out, disable your wifi, then make a call...does the phone stay connected to LTE or does it drop to 3G for the call ? If it stays on LTE, you're golden.

Mayor / Maire

Yes the US roaming covers Hawaii.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @JohnnyB1 

yes you can 

with Roaming voice, you can call within US and Canada for free

Mayor / Maire

@JohnnyB1  YES 

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