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Roaming without purchasing a plan

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm near the US border and my phone thinks I'm in the US. I've been able to get LTE here without issue, but I never purchased a package for US data. Am I going to get charged for this? Can I retroactively buy a package that will cover me when I return?


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Chalupa_Batman - I may test that theory this summer as there is a microcell right on the border of highway 95 in BC. Pretty odd to see one like that.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ah this worked, thank you lots!

If you're trying online, the go into your settings and clear your cache. Then restart your browser and log in and try again. If that doesn't work, try the app. I see it on my app now... will post in a second


And if it doesn't show up in the app, go to settings, apps and find PM. Then clear the cache and data and reboot phone. You'll have to log in again. It should work.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It disappears as an option for me once I log in so I figure it's new activations only, but I hope eventually it won't be

Hey @DanielDP  of course. You can get that plan any time... well.. before it expires. It has great value in my opinion. If you are going to upgrade to it, please make sure you have it changed for the renewal date, this way you won't lose anything you've already paid for.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well if you're near Washington and camping it might work well. 

Any idea if I can get the 34/month Canada-US if I'm not a new activation?

You may get a text message because you're close to the US border and it's picking up US towers but it's still working off Canadian towers. So don't worry as you won't be charged. Not sure how far you can go into the US itself and still be able to connect to Canadian towers, I've never heard anyone test that theory. LOL. But I'm liking the  idea of testing it. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm mostly trying to understand how my phone is roaming if I never bought the US data to begin with. I didn't have a Canada-US plan or buy a package from public, why was it able to get data successfully? Is it pulling data from some other network?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@DanielDP - If you don't have a Canada-US plan or you haven't bought a US add-on you won't ever be charged. If you are wanting to use data without buying a Canada-US plan or a roaming add-on you can disable data roaming and disable automatic and set it to Public Mobile.

Mayor / Maire

Hello @DanielDP 

PM is pre paid. So no, no extra fees. Go into your network settings, turn off automatic and pick Public Mobile. It should stop doing that. I'm confused about that last question. 

Can I retroactively buy a package that will cover me when I return?

Return from where? Being in Canada close to the US border or actually being IN the US?

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