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Referral Friend Points

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Can someone please clarify, since PM moved us all over to the "new public points" system on May 1 did they remove the existing friend referrals we had or did we keep them and will continue to receive the points for them each month? For example, if I had 2 friend referrals each 30 days in the old system, will I continue to receive the points for those same 2 friend referrals, and what will I now receive for them?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Im trying to figure the referral points as well and from what ive read from a few posts, some have said they dont show up till renewal. just as you mention, if this is the case, we would lose 1 months credit.  support hasnt helped much yet.  i will continue researching this.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Does this mean that we will not receive friend referral points for the current month then? If the points are not showing now and won't show up until after renewal, why are we not receiving credit for those same referrals before renewal? That would mean we are losing out on at least one month's referral credit. 


No change to referral rewards except a bit of lost transparency, question is whether intentional or oopsie.  

Mayor / Maire

hi @Hummingbird No worries, you are keeping your referrals and you don't need to rebuild your friend base.  But you won't know how many until you see PM add the referral points to your account



your referrals are still there, just that it is not showing like before (so, your 2 referrals are still here)

After moving to Public Points, the referrals will no longer be showing in a list like before.  There is no way on the Rewards portal to confirm how many you currently have and who are they anymore.   
Instead, you can only tell how many referrals you have when PM deposits the referrals points into your Rewards account after your renewal (within 48 hours).  

PM is aware the demand to see the full list like before when subscribers were on the legacy system and they are working on a solution.   But there is no ETA at the moment

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