12-29-2019 12:14 PM - edited 01-05-2022 10:09 AM
I received a text today from public saying my plan will reset on January 1st. My plan was renewed on the 20th of December, so I should be good until the 19th of January.
Anyone else receive this?
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-01-2020 12:14 PM
@CannonFodder wrote:.Not entirely true, i.e. I could have switched to a $15 plan with Lucky too, and the ONLY reason I came over to PM, was because the 100 mins. included are only outgoing calls, with unlimited incoming, whereas at Lucky the included 100 mins. is for both.
And as has been discovered in another topic recently, outgouing calls to toll-free numbers (ie. 800, 833, 844, 855, 866, 877, 888) do not consume minutes on the $15 plan either. Unofficially of course, so there's always a chance of this changing at any time.
12-30-2019 12:55 PM
@darlicious wrote:@CannonFodder there's a reason why Public Mobile plans are so cheap and you're saving money from your last provider it's not perfect here but if you want to save money you have to be will ing to put up with these little glitches and sometimes big glitches. I don't mind at all I already have one free phone and working on the second one.
Not entirely true, i.e. I could have switched to a $15 plan with Lucky too, and the ONLY reason I came over to PM, was because the 100 mins. included are only outgoing calls, with unlimited incoming, whereas at Lucky the included 100 mins. is for both. Of course, as it turned out, I got a discount for autopay, and the holiday freebies, so that's essentially a money saver from my last provider, AND as a bonus, which I didn't realize at the time of switching, PM has that $5/500 mins. add-on, which rolls over if not entirely used, so that makes it even better. 👍
Having said all that, I still stand by what I said before - there's a lot of people, that after reading and/or hearing about these glitches, will be looking elsewhere for cell service. There was one just yesterday, that said he was giving up and going somewhere else. Just too bad they haven't yet gotten what SEEMS like simple problems straightened out..... I don't know, maybe they're working on them.... maybe not.
12-30-2019 09:18 AM
Agreed, I have a cheap car and sometimes the brakes have a glitch and don't work but I haven't bothered fixing it because I haven't hit anyone yet. But seriously, we did not switch because of cost but because of features available that we couldn't get with our previous provider. You must be aware of that based on the number of f&f referrals you have accumulated . Regardless, if a glitch can be fixed by correcting some code why not fix it ? Standard business practice, take a good product, make it a great product and bring in more customers. I was not knocking what is already a very good product I was just not aware that the product sometimes has glitches, sometimes small, sometimes big and thanks to your warning I now know I can ignore 611 messages which, for the inexperienced, may be of some concern.
12-29-2019 11:28 PM
@CannonFodder there's a reason why Public Mobile plans are so cheap and you're saving money from your last provider it's not perfect here but if you want to save money you have to be will ing to put up with these little glitches and sometimes big glitches. I don't mind at all I already have one free phone and working on the second one.
12-29-2019 07:52 PM
@darlicious so cute! Also, crazy, we got a kitten a few months ago and named her Mittens, but within a week her official nickname was Minty!Mittens, aka: Minty
12-29-2019 06:16 PM
More useful, interesting info! 👍 It's too bad, though, that PM has so many little random glitches and/or eccentricities in their system, since those sorts of things can turn people off, not only just hearing about them, but ESPECIALLY if they fall victim to them.
12-29-2019 05:56 PM - edited 12-29-2019 05:57 PM
@elodiemar @chank @awfmilton That reminds me...the pay your plan by 11:59pm et on this date....on your accounts overview page is incorrect. For some reason this date changed about 6 weeks ago. (It's a known issue!) It is better to refer to the date on your rewards page. Your new cycle starts on: 01/01/01 this date. You have to pay for your plan by 11:59 pm et. the day before your plan renews.
FYI it is best to stay out of your account on the night of your renewal so you don't panic at the warning messages that appear: PLAN EXPIRED and ACCOUNT SUSPENDED. These are normal messages as your plan renews. The rule of thumb is if your services are working dont worry about it. If there is an issue in the morning...reboot your phone that will usually fix any service not working. It's a good habit to get into the day after renewal.
12-29-2019 01:58 PM
Adding my voice, also got January 1st payment reminder from 611. Concerning to me because we just signed up on December 22nd and 23rd to take advantage of holiday offers. Glitches happen and accounts show correct due dates but is this going to be our ongoing experience with our new mobile provider ??
12-29-2019 01:48 PM
@darlicious Thanks, that is good to know that they are working on it. I understand that glitches happen and that most people never have any problems. I am paying for three accounts and so have a greater chance of any glitch happening to me, but really don't want the hassle of having to top up three accounts each month. To date my PM experience has been very positive, and the savings I am now making are significant, I am very happy. Hopefully it will remain that way.
12-29-2019 01:31 PM
@chank The insight is they're working on it. Pm is a low cost provider...it does not have a state of the art system. Glitches happen. They happen in every system. Maybe a little more here than at koodo or telus or maybe not. We just know about them because the community is the first place customers are sent to look for answers versus picking up the phone. So who's to say? It's your choice to rely on autopay...many people do and it's very reliable. Many never log into the community or their account for years til they need to update the expiry date on their credit card. I've chosen to be engaged and I need to because I manage more than my own two accounts. I wouldnt worry about it. You probably wont have any more issues here than you had to pick up the phone at your last provider. It's all about choice.
12-29-2019 01:14 PM
@darlicious wrote:@chank Thousands of public mobile customers rely on autopay and everything is fine. A very, very small percentage will experience an autopay fail. I myself never rely on it I just manually top up my account every month. But I think it's prudent if something is a little off in your account to make sure it has a balance to cover the renewal. 3 minutes of your time the next time you check your account to add funds can save a day or two of frustration without service. You still get the $2 reward so why not?
OK, if autopay failures are due to backend system problems, then this is the sort of thing that ought to be focused on by the PM development team for 2020. The whole concept of PM is great IMO, but if the automated systems in the backend are not totally reliable then this can put people off, given that there is no support number to call.
I have recently moved to PM and have not had autopay kick in yet. I was rather hoping to simply forget about paying PM and just let my credit card be debited each month. I certainly do not want the hassle of having to top up my account, or open a ticket because of a payment transaction failure. Perhaps a moderator or someone in the know, can give some insight into the nature of these failures?
12-29-2019 01:08 PM
I get those messages quite often. The last one today although I have set up auto-payment and my next payment is due on 23rd January. Just check online (My Account). You can find your exacr due date. Disregard the message.
12-29-2019 12:59 PM
@chank Thousands of public mobile customers rely on autopay and everything is fine. A very, very small percentage will experience an autopay fail. I myself never rely on it I just manually top up my account every month. But I think it's prudent if something is a little off in your account to make sure it has a balance to cover the renewal. 3 minutes of your time the next time you check your account to add funds can save a day or two of frustration without service. You still get the $2 reward so why not?
12-29-2019 12:50 PM
I received this message today too, that my payment is due Jan 1st but my date is actually January 4th. I'm sure it's in error but if not, a moderator can help look into it when the time comes. Happy Sunday!
12-29-2019 12:40 PM
@darlicious wrote:@awfmilton Do you have credits or a balance on your account? Your renewal date is off...you should be fine but I would not rely on autopay. I would make sure the funds are in my account before renewal just to be safe.
But what is the point of autopay then? I understood that with autopay, one's credit card that is on file would automatically get debited the correct amount on the due date. Is that not the case?
12-29-2019 12:40 PM
@awfmiltonYou're welcome! So's my kitty cat...minty...shes mint!
12-29-2019 12:26 PM
@awfmilton Do you have credits or a balance on your account? Your renewal date is off...you should be fine but I would not rely on autopay. I would make sure the funds are in my account before renewal just to be safe.
12-29-2019 12:26 PM
@darlicious Mint; thanks!
12-29-2019 12:25 PM
I just received the same message. Though it was paid on the 19th of December through autopay. My main page says I'm good until Jan. 18th 2020.
12-29-2019 12:22 PM
@awfmilton Public mobile sends erroneous texts quite often. As long as you know you've paid and when your renewal is you can ignore them. Pm has moderator service 365. The fastest service issue fix was on Christmas day for me....dont worry they have it covered.
12-29-2019 12:21 PM
12-29-2019 12:19 PM
The 19th, I just checked! Fingers crossed that nothing happens to my plan!
12-29-2019 12:18 PM
I have just received the same message, however on my overview page it indicates that I am paid until Mar 21, 2020.
12-29-2019 12:17 PM
@awfmilton wrote:My concern is that somehow I'm about to get screwed over by an automated system on a holiday, so I won't be able to get Public Mobile support on the 1st.
Does public offer customer support on holidays?
There are moderators working on holidays.
12-29-2019 12:16 PM
It is likely sent in error.
What date does it show in your overview page in self service account?
12-29-2019 12:16 PM
My concern is that somehow I'm about to get screwed over by an automated system on a holiday, so I won't be able to get Public Mobile support on the 1st.
Does public offer customer support on holidays?