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Re: # of Rings before going to voicemail

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

*61*1(your area code)5814001*30# doesn't work.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well, that's the end of that then. Thanks for your help. 😁

sorry @Teecom , iPhone 6S is not on PM's VoLTE whitelist.  So, the number of rings setup won't work.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The phone is a iPhone 6s with the latest IOS 15.8.3 and voice and data is set to LTE on.

I don't know how to reach a support agent.

hi @Teecom 

what phone is yours? only phones that are on VoLTE whitelist can use conditional forwarding

if yours is one.  Even it does not work, you can try to ask support agent to fix the conditional forwarding first.  If that is fixed, you can try the # of rings

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I tried a bunch of stuff a few people suggested and nothing worked so I guess that's that. Thanks for your help.

@Teecom wrote:

*61*1(your area code)5814001*30# doesn't work.

The voicemail deposit number isn't always your area code plus that number.  There are many area codes that do not have a voicemail deposit number.  As for changing the number rings, this might no longer be possible because of a change in the functionality of conditional call forwarding at Public Mobile.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have a iPhone 6s. I tried *61*16475804001*11*30# and get the error,


Mayor / Maire

hi @Teecom 

what phone do you have

how about *61*16475804001*11*30#

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