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Re: Changing plans

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I found I have a total of 11gb data of those "one-time" / "holiday" bonus in my account.
Now, what if I switch my 4G speed plan to 3G speed plan - will the bonus data also downgrade from 4G to 3G?
Thanks in advance!


Mayor / Maire


What plan do you currently have? Which plan are you thinking of changing to? How much mobile data do you regularily use?

@Yummy- Because add-ons run on the plan speed or 4G by default if no data in the plan. Maybe this customer has a really old plan.

Mayor / Maire

How come you can have 11GB on '4G plan' when PM introduced 4G just recently???

If you switch to 3G data will be used at whatever speed 3G works. Not a big deal and you might save a buck or two picking less expensive plan.

Mayor / Maire

@Fishlamb   Unfortunately, yes, the data speed always defaults to the selected plan speed, although it can take upto 48 hours after the change for the new speed to kick in whether going from 3G to 4G or vice versa.

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