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Re: Canada-US Plan

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi there,

I am considering subscribing to this package as it is still cheaper than what I aready have but wanted to ask a question. I will be travelling to the US shortly and wanted to know if I change to the current US-Canada subscrption, would I still need to purchase Roaming for the trip? (I have never used roaming before)

Any help is appreciated, thanks



@ChristopherS17 if you have a Canada-US plan,  you won't need the roaming option anymore.  When you are in US, you just need to turn on roaming mobile data on your phone and make sure your phone connects to T-Mobile/AT&T/Verizon.  And just an FYI, you might still get the text about buying roaming option when you cross the border, but you can just ignore it as it is just a standard text for everyone entering US

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