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Re: Acount suspended but bill paid already

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

why does this only happen to some people? My wife's account has never got this message before and my account was suspended once and today I paid twice and now have a credit, it should never happen IMO


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

thank you I have messages them, 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I can see that there are available funds , my issue is that it has happened twice (once my account was suspended) i thought the purpose of auto renewal was to not have to worrying about it getting paid. it is hard for me to have to constantly check if it has renewed, i had no idea the first time until I realized that my phone no longer worked and had no phone while out and had to take care of it once returned home.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Little_Tess 

if you paid more than once, the extra money should show up as Available Funds.  Login My account again using Incognito/private/secret mode on you browser and check

if you need support to check , please submit a ticket

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