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Public Point Expire?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I cannot find the fine print but I wanted to know if public points expire and how long do you have the points for? Just trying to get the most out of the points. 


Mayor / Maire

HI @KingofAwsome 

as of today, Public Points do not expire. 

But of course, thing could change, My Starbucks stars went from non expiring to expire every 6 months. Same with my McDonald coffee stamps, became points and expire every 6 months too


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

As of today points don't expire however Public is retiring their lucrative old reward system thereby reminding us that they can and will discontinue as they see fit. Just like they reminded us a couple of years ago that they can and will increase your plan should they so choose (30% increase to the $10 plan they previously offered)

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@KingofAwsome - Public Points don't currently expire, but that may change.

But currently they don't expire.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Public points do not expire.

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