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Public New Customer Trouble Switch

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My friend just switched to Public and has paid for the plan (40G/$34). But her current carrier Rogers Phone Box asked her to cancel her public subscription before they can give her the account number!!!

Anyone can help with this nasty mess ? 


Mayor / Maire

HI @Fangfang555 

What Phonebox did  was not legal.  They have to give out account number to allow porting regardless

Sorry this is not something PM or us can help.  But ask your friend to call PB again, and tell them if they don't, he will file a CRTC complain against phonebox

Mayor / Maire

@Fangfang555  Rogers is failing you no need to cancel account with competition to give you your Roger’s account number . I’d call Roger’s again or log into there website to find your account number and remember both accounts need to be active to port the number 

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