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Promo Did Not Push Through After Sign-Up

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I signed up for PM a month ago (end of August) when there was a promo going on for both the new user and person referring the new user to both get $5 off their bill for the first 5 months ($25 value per person).  Neither myself (new user) or the person who referred me sees this additional $5 off under My Accounts yet.  Can anyone please advise how to ensure this additional savings pushes through for both of us?  Thanks!


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


on first week of october if you not see it in your account credit applied,

open ticket with PM support and ask them to check it out.


Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket 

have trouble with Chatbot: Private message CS_Agent

Mayor / Maire

That promo was supposed to credit your account the next Friday after it ended. That was long ago. Same happened to me and they set the "codes' for me an friend to begin receiving on Oct 7. I suggest you contact a CSA. Know your referral code and the xxx-xxx-1234 number of your friend or the full number is good too. 

Mayor / Maire


If you or your friend got your $10 referral for using the referral code and 1 point for giving the referral code then you just have to wait for PM to add the $5 to add into your account. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

It takes some time to see the $5 applied to your account. I think mine took about 2 weeks


@ModernFImily , assuming your new activation met the qualification requirements of the promo, you can use the chatbot link at the bottom of the webpage to initiate a support ticket.  

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