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Problem Logging In

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


We are having problems logining in.  We simply loop over and over through a series of pages and eventually we get an error messages saying password and login do not match. so frustrating. Help. 


Not applicable

Ohhhh by the way  since the compromised system forced me into a new acc't/pwd,    I've lost my previous ID, all my credits, & history and is classifying me as "new in town", ... and with this posting "great neighbour" !?!

Back at them >    PM/telus/Eversafe system is now rated 1/5stars    LoL


Ya all take care ....

Nite/Morning/ gooood day ?!


Not applicable

Hello J'K' ;

About a month ago,  I started having the same problem and even when I did  do what c'g'541 suggests regards pwd.,  it still  told me;   

"Public Mobile here, For your security, we've temporarily locked the Public Mobile account linked to this email due to suspicious login activity. Suspicious log in activity may include multiple failed login attempts or a login from a new device or location.  If it was you attempting to log in, please try again after 60 mins from the time you received this email. If it wasn’t you, someone may be trying to access your account. We strongly recommend you change your password once your account has been unlocked. "  

I DID follow the sys suggestion, and it still came back with exactly same (negative -IMHO) script !!     Tonight the sys allowed me on using what I thought would be a retired pwd. from june of this yr !   And now the sys' tells me, my subscription is run-out and I'm being locked out !!??   Even though I just chkd my latest cc statement,  and as usual PM was paid mid-month (Sept.)  

I became soooo frustrated back then, in the mood I replied to all (13) notification "no-reply" emails, this 'email' of frustration copy/pasted 13 times  8-)   In hopes that at least one would be read by a real human vs a over-rated system robo'!!

Oh btw,.... the eversafe sys sent me tonight a confirm code to your smartie,viewable , typing first two digits into field on my laptop, and when I glance back that view has disappeared and I had to spend more time looking for it !!    Another waste of time by "eversafe" !!! 

My 'frustration email' sent 13 times on Monday, 10-02 ;  

" The new eversafe is excessively safe ! 

I attempted starting approx 6 hrs ago to access my account and using my email/pwd combo' it immediately told me the ... exceeded attempts.. an hour... !!        Bleep bleep ! 
Tried again an hour later again same bull !!
Then I decided maybe pwd is compromised, spent more time dancing with the sys creating a new pwd. .....Then attempted logging on with it and got hit with same excessively safe bull as before when I had used the my prev. pwd. 😞 
I'm don't normally sound toxic but when corp. digital entitys'  compromised coding wastes our time continually.... !!
Tried not only twice but at least half dozen time over these previous hours !!!        Sincerely Doug .. aka ............... com !!
ps luckily no one has taken my invites to sign on to PM seriouslyotherwise they would also be upset with you & possibly me too 😞      "
Back to tonight >>  With others encountering this time-waster from their "Eversafe", obviously it has been compromised  or hacked !!      
And I'll be chking over the next 72hrs to see if PM aka Telus corp. was paid as usual !!   If it was, another confirmation that their system has been compromised !!!
And PM aka Telus corp.  should be crediting all impacted accounts at least a month payment (or early additional christmas gift),  as client recovery,   . . . . for all the downtime we've endured due their faulty compromised sys  !!!
Hasta Luego ,
 ..... I'm already 45 min. late now working on a outdoor project.   LoL  

@JonoKerr wrote:


We are having problems logining in.  We simply loop over and over through a series of pages and eventually we get an error messages saying password and login do not match. so frustrating. Help. 

Have you attempted to use the option to reset/set a new password?

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