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Porting from Koodo, PM sent to mods - Backlog ETA?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm trying to port my number from Koodo to Public Mobile. The email addresses are different but it still says I need to contact Public Mobile for assistance. I've sent a private message to one of the mods but 2 days later it still shows as unread.


I know they're really busy, the $120 promotion has been wildly popular etc, but is there any ETA on how long it's going to take to get through the backlog? I'd love to be part of the Public Mobile community but that Virgin promotional offer that matches this one but is pay-monthly is starting to look more and more attractive right now..  Some expectation setting would go a long way to calming my frayed nerves...


@haryalpha wrote:

Hello I need help to port my phone number from KOODO to Public mobile.

Current Koodo # :

When I bought public mobile I was given Phone# :


Don't post any personal information here it's a public forum we are customers like on the 3 dots in your message to hide...

You can ask to port your number by yourself in your self-serve PLAN/OPTIONS and CHANGE MY NUMBER.

BUT if your koodo was prepaid you will need help from the moderator here.. Waiting time is few hours to 2 days.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello I need help to port my phone number from KOODO to Public mobile.

Current Koodo # : 647-580-8537

When I bought public mobile I was given Phone# : 519-706-8999

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Mary_M @Saray_O @Caroline_D @Dave_M 


Can anyone comment on an ETA for dealing with Private Message requests? I sent one re this port issue from Koodo Prepaid on Tuesday and have yet to receive any response or interaction. All I want is some expectation setting.


As stated in another post, a ticketing system would probably work a lot better than trying to do "official" support through a message board system. Once I'm setup, it's all "low maintenance" from a customer service point of view, but not being able to port successfully is just going to drive me elsewhere.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yea, it's super frustrating. I'm coming from Telus but my number was Koodo pre-paid at some point. My porting was sucessful at first but then stopped working. I had to reactivate my old number with Telus because for some reason it was cancelled. Now I'm stuck with two lines. I guess technically I could use PM with my new number but honesltly who want's a number with the 236 area code.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen



I was on Koodo post paid

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

You should see a box like this to fill out and don't forget to check the box saying you are authorizedScreenshot_2.jpg

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Gee wrote:

I ported from Koodo and it took less than a minute.


Prepaid or postpaid?


Checking eligibility for a prepaid number throws an error for me...

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I ported from Koodo and it took less than a minute.


When porting, the key is to check the box that says you're authorised.  Then make sure you include your original Koodo account number.


Add the alternate number (Land Line) and your cell phone number and you're good to go.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@ayoung3366 wrote:

What do you need help with?

When I put my Koodo Prepaid number in to the Change Number process, it says there are technical difficulties and to contact Public Mobile?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

What do you need help with?

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