07-14-2023 02:24 PM
Hi All, I ported to Public mobile around 2 hours back. I can send messages to people (10 digit numbers), call phone numbers and also use data.
Oddly I can't seem to get the code for 2FA logins (even for eversafe public mobile login) along with banks and other services. I can't seem to login in on the website either. How do I go about resolving this issue?
07-17-2023 08:50 PM
Having the same issue could you please send me the # as well?
07-14-2023 05:51 PM
yeah @softech helped me with the number. Porting is now complete
07-14-2023 05:46 PM
07-14-2023 02:39 PM
@trex1989 Porting was not done. Please call the number I sent you earlier
07-14-2023 02:31 PM
Seems like I can call and no one can call me. I only seem to have outgoing service and not incoming service.
07-14-2023 02:26 PM
first, can you receiving incomings calls and non-2FA text (text from friends)?
If you cannot, it is a uncompleted port. A critical part to porting is to receive a text from your old provider and you have to reply YES within 90 mins. If you are not receiving calls and text on your PM sim card, and only outgoing calls, wok then you might have missed the step and hence porting was not completed
There is a number to call to talk to live support, they can re-trigger the process for you. I will message the number to you via the Community inbox ( https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/notes/privatenotespage ) . Check the envelope icon on top right. Call them and get it fixed
If you are receiving incoming calls and non-2FA text, then it's ok. For 2FA text or other system generated text (A2P), it is normal for them to start coming later. Systems take longer to find out you changed provider and to route the text correctly to the new provider (Public Mobile). Also, financial institutions (banks) or government agencies (e.g, CRA) put this delay on purpose too to avoid SIM Fraud
Usually they will start coming around the 3rd day after porting but it could take as many as 7 days for all the 2FA/A2P text to come.