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Plan upgrad

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi, I put in for the new cell plan with 4gb at 4g speeds for $41 and it was supposed to take effect on the next billing cycle which was Aug 18 but when I check my profile it still shows the old plan


Mayor / Maire


it is just a glitch in the system there is a new design it is affecting some customer 


use browser from computer,and clear cache and cookies and use one page inPrivate mode,

or safari on private mode, To Login Page  check it, payment history it's charged for new plan cost.

or maybe the change plan not going through,


reschedule to change plan on next cycle or contact PM support team by CS_Agent   to Manually changed plan.





Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

you can also send a direct messagge to a customer service agent and ask for help 

Message Agent here:

Mayor / Maire

Click on the little spinner refresh icons lower down. Maybe the proper plan will display. Or use a different browser or device or use incognito.




With this new site, you likely still reading off the cached version, so the Plan detials you got was not up to date


Try to login My Account using Incognito mode (or InPrivate for Edge, Private for Safari)  or try again with a  completely different browser like Edge/Firefox/Chrome.  You should then see the latest Plan details  from the server that way



Add:  Also, the new speed might not come after around 48 hours 

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