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Plan DID switch correctly!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

With all the talk about plans not switching and having to get help (I had to as well coming from a more expensive plan to a cheaper plan), just wanted to say that it doesn't always screw up. Woke up this morning to check my wife's account which was due today. She went from the previous $120 to the promo $120 and actually has her 12GB vs the 6GB from before.


There is hope! Thanks again PM for the awesome deal, saving us sooo much moola!


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Trust me, I've been here awhile, I know how it works. Positive vs negative. I've never seen a scheduled plan change work out, that's also from personal experience. I hope it is working for people, that's great news.
Please post a link to the page on rfd where people claim to have successful scheduled plan changes. Most people on rfd just signed up, so I find it hard to believe, but I'd love to read the success stories about plan changes, not account setups and ports. @hummuschips

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Definitely will show some more hiccups with the huge influx and also yes, people tend to just complain. I see the odd positive thing on here about how smooth it went, but with the thousands of people signing up the complainers will be louder than the positive-people.


Anyways, just posted mostly to give hope that just cause people have been having issues, doesn't mean its 100% of the time.

@hummuschips true but as our community was smaller it tended to be alot quieter before. It's good for Public long term what is happening but alot of more negative stories getting posted up right now.


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Rockdaddy22 with the nature of a support forum you are mostly going to see people that have problems posting on here.  Every once in a while you will see someone post their success story but you can also find a huge thread on RedFlagDeals that's almost 400 pages now with a lot of successes.


It's not as natural to go online to post a porting success than it is to come here to complain.

Mayor / Maire

@ellisd that's great to hear! 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Hopefully it's fixed, I've never seen a successful one.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
That's good to hear!
Hope they fixed the bugs in the system
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