03-03-2022 12:15 PM
My phone keeps saying no network or no sim card on and off...only emergency calls can be made 😑
03-05-2022 06:25 PM
03-05-2022 04:31 PM
03-03-2022 12:53 PM
Need narrow down if the problem is your phone, the SIM connection or your account.
If you can put the SIM into another phone and if it works then it is the phone.
Next login to your Self Serve account and check the Account Status to see if it is Active.
Please let us know once these steps are done.
03-03-2022 12:19 PM
How long have you been PM's customer?
Is this issue most recent or service was working up to now?
Did you try to reboot your phone as first step of troubleshooting?
Re-seat your SIM card will be next (remove, clean, plug in).
03-03-2022 12:18 PM
@Dina3 Look like you have joined for sometime and it just stop working?
did you try to put your SIM in another phone and confirm it is not a device problem?
did you login to My Account and confirmed the account status is ACTIVE?
You said the SIM card on and off, it made me wonder if the phone was blacklisted , please confirm here: