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Phone does not work

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

First, my fiancé could not finish his portability to Public mobile. While he was adding his IMEI number the system kicked him out. He called the porting team who apparently fix portability problem. However, he was directed to the technical support because he is still not receiving any calls, he cant make any calls, he cannot receive any text messages and he cannot access his internet. Nobody has solved his issues so far. We have been trying to set up another account for him, but due to some reason his name is locked into Public mobile system and we cannot proceed with it. 
We cannot even try another phone provider because he cannot receive any calls or messages from public mobile phones.


Indeed it does @Vanessa6  - thank you for doing that.

There is definitely an account issue which ONLY a customer support agent can resolve.  When you said earlier you tried setting up another account - what did you mean by that?  Did you acquire another PM SIM card to attempt a 2nd activation?  Or did you simply try the activation on the Public Mobile app again with the same SIM card?

Either way the CSA's are definitely the only resource at this point, as I originally provided in my initial respone.

Best of luck!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have just tried his physical sim card in my phone and he cannot receive or make any calls or text messages or have access to internet data.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

His prior service provider sim card is not working anymore which I believe that proves that the portability was completed.

I have just tried his physical sim card in my phone and he cannot receive or make any calls or text messages or have access to internet data.

I doubt this has to do with the SIM card, @Vanessa6 

Out of curiosity, does the prior service with the other provider work at all?

Can you try the SIM card in a different device to see if any calling services work (if you're using a physical SIM card and not an e-SIM)?


@Vanessa6  No I think you need to ask support to re provision the sim you have in their end . If it’s not connecting to Public mobile it’s a sim set up issue . If you can try his sim in your phone assuming it’s physical SIM card then that could force the SIM card to re re provision itself . But if not ask support to do so on their end 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks handy. It is frustrating because he has been talking to the porting team and nothing has been done. He is running in circles now explaining his situation over and over again. So do you think we should inly ask for a new SIM card?

Mayor / Maire

@Vanessa6   If your not connecting to PM at all and have no service . Please submit ticket and ask support to re provision the SIM . 

send  a  private message   To CS_Agents

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Mayor / Maire

This certainly sounds like something the customer support agents will need to rectify internally

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